I have received hundreds of emails from people in several countries who report an increase in, or initial onset of, electrical sensitivity symptoms when high-speed fiber optic internet is installed in their neighborhood. How could this be? Isn’t wired fiber optic internet, which uses light to transmit large amounts of data at incredibly high speeds, supposed to be safer and healthier for everyone?
The issue is that fiber optic internet service does not only use light to transmit data. The high-speed fiber optic data must be converted to electrical signals before the data can be transmitted to the home on the existing copper cable or phone line DSL. Those electrical signals, which carry our internet data, are not inherently problematic because they are in a very narrow frequency range and don’t typically radiate from the cable or phone lines.
Fiber Optics can add EMI to our Homes
There can be a significant problem with the high-speed fiber optic converters out at the street (or in the home with some newer fiber systems) that create these electrical data signals. This is because the converters are not designed with low-EMI emissions in mind. Thus, their power supplies and operation can generate high amounts of wide-spectrum EMI (electromagnetic interference). This inadvertent EMI then piggybacks on the copper cable and phone lines into our homes where it can radiate from every copper wire. This EMI from the fiber optic infrastructure is a primary reason why electrical sensitivity is increasing when high-speed internet is installed in our communities.
Fortunately, there are solutions to this issue. Here are a few:
1.) If electrical sensitivity symptoms increase all of a sudden with a new internet provider (for example, switching from Comcast Xfinity to AT&T), go back to your original provider right away. There is likely an EMI issue with their fiber optic converters that is impacting your home. I have seen several people get better by switching back to their original internet providers (this is with all wireless disabled).
2.) Continue internet service with a non-fiber optic provider as long as possible. Many communities have multiple internet service companies to choose from. Consider this EMI issue when choosing your service.
3.) Select the lowest bandwidth internet package available. This may reduce the EMI transmitted into your home and reduce the EMI created from the modem/router within your home. In most areas, even the most basic package is much faster than you will need to stream movies on Netflix or Amazon. Choose a package at or below 100 Mbps and stay away from 1 or 10 Gbps packages, which will likely add more EMI to your home.
4.) Disconnect the existing cable and telephone lines in your home from the cable provider. This will prevent EMI from the fiber optic infrastructure from conducting along the cable and telephone lines in your walls. You could still have a data connection brought to your residence, but have it in just one area of your home. You will be able to control the EMF exposures in your home more easily if every copper wire is not radiating EMI.
5.) Consider filtering the EMI before it comes into your home. Genisco Filters is a company that specializes in this issue. Send me a message for more information on EMI filtering options.
6.) Use your own low-bandwidth cable modem. The two primary sources of EMI from high-speed internet service are the fiber optic converters at the street and the cable modem within your home. The cable modem can also add EMI to the electrical wiring of your home, so you want this to be clean as possible. Unfortunately, the modem provided by your internet provider will often produce high amounts of EMI, along with WiFi. The non-WiFi modems that seem to work best for electrically sensitive families include the Arris models TM822R, SB6141, SB6183 and SB6190.
7.) If you experience increased electrical sensitivity at your computer after high-speed fiber optics are installed in your neighborhood, consider installing your own fiber optic system between your cable modem and computer. This idea may seem counterintuitive, but it will create an EMI barrier between your computer and your internet provider’s system. I will outline how you can do this in an upcoming article.
8.) Consider that the high-speed fiber optic networks being installed in our communities will be used as the backbone for 5G wireless installations. Every cellular antenna on a light or utility pole needs a fiber connection to operate. As award-winning science journalist Blake Levitt points out in this article, fiber optic systems can be used as a Trojan horse for 5G installations in our communities. Thus, living in an area without fiber infrastructure can both reduce the EMI coming into your home and prevent you from having a cellular antenna like these installed directly outside your home. I will discuss this aspect of small cellular antenna installations in a future article.
While microwave radiation from wireless technology and magnetic & electric fields from electrical wiring are critically important, EMI is equally problematic for human biology. It’s a part of the EMF spectrum that gets very little attention. However, it is a major contributor to electrical sensitivity and poor health. Hopefully this article will help you understand and reduce an important source of EMI in your home – the fiber optic internet infrastructure that is becoming common throughout our communities.
Update December 2023:
For a summary of how fiber optics can be installed properly, please read my statement here. This comment also explains why staying with cable (co-axial) internet is often your best option.
Many internet providers are now starting to install fiber to the home (FTTH) using GPON technology (Gigabit Passive Optical Network). The newer version of this is XPON technology, which is 10X faster than GPON. These types of fiber services use no electrical equipment between the main office and the home. This is the best way to bring fiber to your home. Then you just need to have an ONT unit (fiber optic modem) that you can tolerate.
I always encourage FTTH technologies over hybrid FTTC (fiber to the curb) services. Most people experiencing symptoms have FTTC in their neighborhoods, which use fiber optics to the street and existing copper wiring into the home.
With GPON, you do want to check the fiber optic cable coming into your home for EMI. Some will be enclosed in a metal sheath or have a metal backbone. This will allow any EMI on the ISP system to be transmitted into your home. I demonstrate this below. You simply ask your technician that the metal sheath be removed a few feet before it enters your home.
Hopefully this article helps you better understand the new fiber optic internet systems. Please comment below or reach out to me should you need help making your home internet system healthier.
This article was originally published on September 2019 and updated most recently in December 2023.
Jennifer Kessmann
Thanks Jeromy. This is all getting so complicated and it seems the options are limited. I hope that we can get some legislation passed to help protect people from all of this. I am going to do my part.
Thanks Jennifer.
I think that we will eventually have a society where the biological impacts of EMF exposures are considered when equipment is designed. It wouldn’t be that hard to do in the case of EMI emissions. It will take building awareness of this issue, which we are all starting to do.
Keep up the great work.
Dave Dee
I wish I shared your optimism Jeromy, the Bible states that money is the root of all evil and seeing there are billions of dollars at stake here, I can’t see any company even the slightest bit concerned with public health as long as their coffers overflow.
Suzan Houchen
I agree with you.
Sue Long
Yes I can see your point, but things are changing and lucky for all of us God is in charge and making changes and these will ultimately be part of the change. I hope I will be around to see it in my lifetime, but a lot is going to happen and is happening. Seek the Light – we have to change. Love and Light.
Truth Spoken.
Erwin Hatch
Thank you for the information that you have put into this article and your time in doing so. I live in rural Missouri and I’m a customer of White River Valley Electric Cooperative. They have contracted with a company called LAN to install fiber to my apartment building. The installer said that it is being installed to make our internet faster. I have tinnitus already, but have noticed it is a really loud ringing in my ears and I feel really tired.
Is there an organization that can help me to understand what is going on?
Nobody has accurate information like you do. Everyone is confused and misled by fiber, solar and corrupted internet.
I hope you keep your information coming.
Thank you,
Shantell Roberson
I have been so sick due to so much cable being installed.
Also I have an iPhone 10.
It makes my hands burn.
What are your symptoms? Is it a buzz or a zapping feeling in your body? Pressurized head?
Ann Isik
I found this article because for some time I’ve been having this buzzing and zapping and even running my hand across my face is like running my hand along an electrical current. I also feel weak and sick and cannot sleep properly because of it. Recently, fibre-optics were installed in my village and four telegraph poles directly along the side of my house have had these fibre-optic ‘boxes’ attached to them. I think there must be 8-10 boxes attached.
Barry Jones
My phone and television are not working right constantly.
Caroline Hilldale
I have an iPhone 12 max pro and My hands go numb after only holding the phone five or 10 minutes. I thought I was the only one this happened to.
Martha Bellows
Have you heard of TECHLESS, the “smartest dumb phone?” It was suggested to me as a safe alternative; it might be interesting to look into if the phone you are using affects you like that…
I have an old phone and am thinking about replacing it with the TECHLESS.
Dear Jeromy,
Thank you so much for the article. I see!
Now I am made surer that I did the right thing by getting rid of the fiber optics & 1 Gigabit router and went for a cable internet & a slower modem.
Thank you so much for your professional advice back then and now also! Even though I still suffer from EHS, which I got after mobile base stations were built around my house, I can now use my computer without getting sick.
Thanks for writing Miho!
I hope more people in Japan start to pay attention to this topic.
Hi, I’m in UK. Not very tech savvy unfortunately. Fibre broadband is in my area and I’m encouraged to use it right now I use copper through the phone line . I’d like to know if there’s any difference in EMF exposure.
Hi Pauline,
You can reach out to me via my contact form with more on your specific situation. I’ll send you some ideas on how to limit the issues with fiber optic service in your home.
Sending my best,
Nicole Bradley
Centurylink just informed me that they are planning on installing main line high speed Internet cable less than 10’ from my headboard wall. Can this be legal? Right in the middle of my side yard when they are installing at street all other locations.
Hi Nicole,
If that is the utility right-of-way, then they likely can.
Do you have an AM radio to test the radiated EMI before and after these lines are installed?
I can walk you through this if you email me.
A new fiber optic cable was buried in my yard and neighborhood and now I feel sick. Can I have the city remove the cable in my yard?
I’m in the UK too the only technology in my home is mobile phone washer microwave and tv”s, 5g just rolled out on my village and I am suffering symptoms.
Hello. Thank you for your article. I recently had fiber optic internet installed. The next day woke up with a rash all over. I’m pretty sure it’s directly associated with the installation. Where can I find information about what’s best for switching back? I’m overwhelmed and can not figure out what to do. The problem is, I live in a remote area and not a lot of options.
maria plant
I am so thankful for this information, Jeromy. It was very timely, since Shaw presented the idea of future fibre optic installations for highspeed internet in the Gulf Islands at our Island Trust meeting last month! We believed that fibre optic was a safe option. Not so…I will print this and bring it to our next meeting!
Hi Maria,
Fiber can be made safe, it’s just that the current systems can have problems.
What we need is pure fiber to the home (GPON) with no power backbone (no EMI) and a low-EMI media converter at the home. This would give us internet that is healthy/safe/fast/reliable for the entire society.
The other issue is whether these fiber networks will be used for the 5G/small cell infrastructure. Local laws need to be put in place that don’t allow this. Otherwise, the fiber networks can be used to radiate the entire community with RF.
It’s complex and vitally important, but I think we will eventually figure it out.
Sandy Benoit
Thanks, Jeromy. I wasn’t aware of some of this information!
Julia Luo
Thanks for the timely info! I am getting ready to buy a new home. I was trying to choose one with a larger lot, so I can have some distance from my neighbors. However, after reading your article, I have two concerns:
1) I think I may need to know where the fiber optic cables are buried underground, in case they run through my yard. How do I find out where the underground cables are? Would the phone companies know? There are several phone service providers in the neighborhood, how would I know which one to call?
2) How do I find out where all the cell towers are in our area? Is there a map somewhere? Also, is there anyway to predict where future towers might be erected?
Julia, I can help with question 2. You can do a search for cell towers and antennas here:
Thanks Julia!
I have so many within .5 miles of our home.
Do you know what «non-registered antennas » means in the list?
Hi Julia,
It’s not so much of where the cables are located (they are generally out at the street, either on poles or underground). The primary issue is the equipment that is used.
As you look for a new home, just be aware of the type of telecommunications used. If you can use an older cable network, that should be better.
As for cell towers, antenna search is good. However, it doesn’t capture most of the newer small 4G DAS/5G antennas. For those, I would use Google Earth to look at the tops of the light/utility poles. Most neighborhoods won’t have those until fiber optics are installed in the community.
Mieke Jacobs
In Illinois, where I live, if you are a homeowner and planning to do a renovation, you can call a number and they will put flags (different colors for different utilities) to show you where the lines are. Alternatively, there are expensive pieces of equipment than one could buy to do this themselves. For most houses, the lines are at the street, but I once lived in a condo complex and eventually figured out the the Comcast trunk line for the entire community was buried a few feet from where I slept and had major and varying amounts of current running on it.
maria plant
I have the same issue buying property in BC and Vancouver Island!! The underground cables are a big unknown. I think that in future it should be part of the seller’s responsibility to keep and provide this critical information. We keep our fridge manuals, but the schematics and the house plans, wiring, plumbing pipes (copper) are all big unknowns. This is crucial for people with EMF and RF sensitivity…
Suzan Houchen
Green Bank WV, Electrical Sensitivity Community. If you check the category of locations and tools on that Facebook community you will find multiple tools to locate the towers and safe locations.
James Barton
I’ve been to Green Bank . . . done that. On paper it sounds great. What the paper doesn’t tell you is that Green Bank is in an MOA (Military Operations Area). The Military Operations are aircraft. In the wee hours of the morning, military aircraft use the Green Bank valley for ground support practice. The aircraft come from all around, slow their speed (cut back on power), descend to low altitudes, and search for assigned targets with forward looking radar. The residents are bathed in radar but don’t realize where it is coming from.
With all the jet traffic and the need to monitor the practicing planes, they must have a supporting radar. I was unable to learn whether it was a fixed ground based radar or an AWACS plane. We inquired at the Observatory about EMF in the area. They never mentioned the MOA. Although the paper says there is no radiation in the area because of the observatory, the fact is that the observatory is old, outdated and seldom used other than for training purposes. Thus the observatory and aircraft are both government, they coordinate. When the planes are going for their practice runs, the observatory is not used.
We learned about this from ATC at a commercial airport in the area. They do not service the military planes, but they see them in the dark hours by their jet exhaust. You can buy maps of the MOA’s in pilot shops at airports. It is easier to order them online at http://www.sportys.com/pilotshop/ Click on “Charts and Maps,” On the dropdown meno, click on “Sectional Charts,” Then hover over the map and pick the area you want. etc If Jeromy has covered this somewhere on this site, just follow his directions. As for Green Bank, we also ran into ground current problems. Both the power company and phone company have equipment that is very old and full of problems. I have photocopies of letters from the telephone company to the power commission that they had measured 180 Volts AC on their telephone equipment. They blamed it on the power company. The place is a mess.
Thank you so much for your information on Green Bank WV. We visited the area back in 2020 after I became sensitive and were not impressed. We just found out that they are putting in two cell towers that will be less than a mile from our home and it has me very concerned. We are in a rural area of FL and have only been in our home for 2 years, but with the addition of these new towers it really worries me.
Bob Hansen
Good article and glad you added tips on how to reduce or prevent exposure in your home. Will you be writing a follow-up article that discusses the effects of fiber optic cable in connection with cell towers and small cells? We are seeing a lot of people who are having effects from cell towers and small cells.
Thanks Bob.
Indeed, I’ll be sending out an article about these 4G DAS small cells in San Francisco next month.
Thanks for this Jeromy. This is really interesting. I allowed our provider to install fiber optics to our house 4 years ago, prior to getting ill or knowing anything about this. They installed microcells all over the back of our neighborhood where there are utility poles (currently running 4G), but not on our street and above yet as we have underground utilities. They came to my door after I had become ill to ask me to sign permission for them to switch my service to fiber optic. I declined, and hopefully they haven’t done that. Is there a way for me to tell for sure?
Also, when you say disconnect existing cable and telephone, I am uncertain what that means. We are reliant on our landline, which is in an old fashioned telephone jack. Our cable TV downstairs is via a different provider. Does any of this matter?
And lastly, will devices like the sine tamer which is installed at the circuit box and designed to reduce dirty electricity reduce the EMI?
Thank you,
Hi Dawn,
Devices like the Sine Tamer won’t necessarily help with this issue. That is more for EMI coming in off the electrical grid.
With the co-axial cables in your home, I might just disconnect the ones you are not using if you suspect that you have this EMI issue.
It sounds like your phone line is still part of the older network and shouldn’t be a big issue.
“It sounds like your phone line is still part of the older network and should be a big issue.” – Is there a typo? – I would think the older landlines should (not) be a problem.
Thank you for catching that Renate. Indeed, “shouldn’t be a big issue.”
Older land line copper wire service is now discontinued in NJ. I am being forced to have my telephone lines changed to fiber optics. Should I be concerned about this? I have fought this switch for as long as possible. Now they are threatening to cut off my landline service.
Hi Linda,
The short answer is that it depends on what type of system they are putting in. And, if you are moving to VoIP through a fiber modem (ONT device), that will surely add more EMI to your in-home landline phone.
Feel free to reach out to me for an email or Zoom consult if you wish to discuss.
My best,
Thanks for your reply. I am going to find out exactly what they are going to install and will get back to you.
Thanks Jeromy!
Karl Riley
Hi Jeromy,
To go from hypothesis to reality as to the existence of fields in living space is simple: measure the fields with a meter tuned to the frequency you are concerned about. Use it to trace the source, whether in the street or from your own wiring or devices.
Why dance around with educated guesses when you just have to turn on a meter and use logic. Besides, it is fun. I have been enjoying the challenge for 31 years.
Indeed Karl. Thanks for sharing your wisdom/insight.
Hopefully this will help more people understand that EMI does come in from the telecommunications infrastructure so that they can eliminate it.
What type of meter do you use, Karl?
Tom Medill
Hi Betsy,
In case Karl Riley is not monitoring this page, let me point you to some resources which might answer your question. Karl Riley has been writing and working in the EMF field for many years. See his book here: https://www.amazon.com/Tracing-EMFs-Building-Wiring-Grounding/dp/146990201X
Jeromy also does this type of work; see his page https://www.emfanalysis.com/recommended-emf-meters/
for more current meter recommendations than in Karl’s 2012 book.
Hope this helps.
Jan H
Thank you so much, Jeromy. I had heard about fiber optic causing problems but didn’t fully understand how until you put the pieces together. I have fiber optic internet which I have been happy with, however this prompted me to question whether it could be contributing to my EMF sensitivity. My desktop computer puts out semi-high levels and makes me wonder if the fiber optic is contributing. I have the lowest bandwith and find it to be adequate for my needs. Thanks for addressing this.
Rhonda Ragland
Thank you for sharing. You are making a great difference. Keep up the great work!
Thank you Rhonda!
Dennis Hitchens
How can I know if high-speed fiber optic internet is installed in my neighborhood?
Hi Dennis,
Just call your internet provider to see what systems they have in your area. It will either be phone line DSL, cable or fiber optic.
walter sexsmith
Hi, I’m all for getting rid of cell towers and 5G and wifi etc etc but this article is just 100% BS. Get your facts straight and stop fear mongering! Now do I know, I am an EE so I do know a little bit about this stuff.
Are you going to correct anything?
Carlton Schreiner
Thank you so much, Jeromy, you are a godsend! I owe my health to the discovery of your website three years ago. Even though I was an expert in botanical medicine and nutrition for 35 years my health was mysteriously deteriorating until I followed your advice and cleared my home of all RF emitters.
I look for opportunities to send people to your website all the time. Yesterday I was talking with a neighbor for the first time and found out he is an electrical engineer working in the solar industry. I steered our conversation into the electro-smog arena and he mentioned EMI as a concern he was already familiar with. But he did not know about the RF issues so I told him my story and gave him your website. We are going to talk again once he gets up to speed. I offered to loan him my RF detector so he can check his house.
While recently showing a friend how my RF detector works he removed his wireless hearing aid and placed it on the meter. The meter started flashing red indicating 10x above extreme exposure level! Yikes! We really have to stay on our toes with all the new technologies and keep sharing what we learn. As the great article you shared by Ms. Levitt points out, the powerful profiteers and their government lackeys do not care about us.
Dear Carlton,
Grateful to hear the website is helping out and that you have regained your health. Also wonderful that you are sharing this information with your community.
Keep in touch,
What meter do you recommend for rf? Thank you.
I would go with the Safe and Sound Pro II or Classic II seen here:
Tom Medill
Hi Jeromy,
I was surprised by your statement that: “Those electrical signals, which carry our internet data, are not inherently problematic because they are in a very narrow frequency range and don’t typically radiate from the cable or phone lines.”
Unless a cable carrying electrical signals is properly shielded and grounded it by its nature will radiate beyond the cable. Of course, whether that radiation will be harmful for humans depends on various factors.
Perhaps you want to reword that section to better explain what you mean.
Thanks for the great feedback.
When I ran the article by a very knowledgeable EE he explained how both the phone line DSL and cable lines are not effective radiators when they are installed properly. I can send you his very technical explanation if you email me. However, I do stand by what I wrote above in the article. It is the accidental common mode EMI that is coming in from the telecommunications equipment that is the primary issue in this case.
Tom Medill
Yes, please send me the technical explanation (I am assuming you have access to my email address).
The reason that I wrote initially is that you suggest in so many words that the radiation is zero. But there certainly will be some radiation. Again, whether that radiation will be harmful for humans depends on various factors.
I think your EE acknowledges my point when he uses phrases such as “are not *effective* radiators” and that “EMI … is the *primary* issue”.
My only concern is that we speak carefully and correctly, in part so that the critics have even less excuse for dismissing the issue.
Thank you for responding and for your work in this area,
Hello Jeromy, is there a meter that can tell me how much dirty electricity my cable modem is pumping into my power lines? Thank you.
Hi Kin,
I use an older Radio Shack AM radio (model 12-467 or older on Ebay) to see if there is wide spectrum EMI on the wiring. Here is a demo where I show that there is EMI on the ground wire of a home electrical system:
You can do the same thing for your cable modem:
Hope this helps,
I use a Cornet ED88Tplus and listen for any sounds on it, even if ever so faint, I use studio headphones. Don’t know about using a radio and what is the difference. But if I get even half a microwatt of HF and some crackling or pulse or repeated signals then there is likely something on the line. Not to confuse with wireless which is thousands of uW/m2
Hi Jeromy,
Do you trust lists like this for SAR ratings?
I don’t think SAR values are the best judge of the safety of a phone. You could have a low-SAR phone, but still have non-thermal biological effects.
The most important thing is how you use a cell phone, if you must use one. Read this: https://www.emfanalysis.com/headsets/
Hope this helps.
Gian Andrea
Hi Jeromy,
Thanks for the update.
In addition to your info, (I do not use wi-fi), I shielded my modem and use a ground plug for the modem cable.
Big difference with grounding the cable! Also, the music sounds better because there’s no more uhm, buzz etc.
Excellent to hear Gian!
Glad the low-EMF steps are working well for you.
Stephen Maas
Hi, we have just had fiber optic broadband fitted to all telephone poles in street. Hence reading your article, on reading comments and came across the YouTube videos on picking up electrical interference! I have been saying for some time now that this house has some sort of pulse waves and was thinking of purchasing a reader of electromagnetic fields or what not… is there specific types more suitable?
Also the videos blew my mind, as in the summer doing jobs on house “outside” I was using old radio and the background noise was the same pulse noise I had been feeling and almost hearing the past year?? just louder… even when I used it for CD to play music.
Hi Stephen,
Yes, here are the meters I recommend:
How to Use Your EMF Meters: https://youtu.be/_aVINxa2ERA
Why inexpensive EMF meters don’t work: https://youtu.be/TFcl05hkVkE
An AM radio is also well advised. You will want the Radio Shack AM radio model 12-467, 12-464 or older AM radio. The newer ones (such as model 12-586) have noise suppression technology that makes them useless for detecting EMI. These can typically be found on Ebay or elsewhere online for $20-$30.
Watch these for examples:
EMI from Specialty Lighting: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k6fZP-J2brk
Reducing EMI w/o Filters: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4vzHqRrExfY
EMI on Ground/Neutral Wire: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zf7N3eOf0co
EMI on all bands of AM Radio: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Eb4CLQRcw7s
EMI from Modem: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lw1Tqu_R_sI
Wide-Spectrum EMI from Dimmer Switch: https://youtu.be/7Hwa6prYI9M
Hope this helps,
Piotr Bein
Torsion field (TF) particles fly undisturbed thru any EM screen. It’s the TF particles that are responsible for biological regulation signaling inside human body and all life in Earth.
Mieke Jacobs
If fiber optics comes to your neighborhood, will you be able to notice a difference in the readings on either of the 2 DE meters or would you need an oscilloscope to pick it up? It was nice meeting you at the conference last week, looking forward to October’s article!
Dear Mieke,
Indeed, wonderful to meet you in person as well!
The differential mode meters (Stetzer / Line EMI) won’t pick this up. A spectrum analyzer would, along with an older AM radio, which can pick up wide spectrum common mode EMI from about 500 KHz to 2 MHz. See the videos I have of this in the comments above.
My best,
Renate Otto
Our community is installing fiber optics with the hopes it will keep 5G out. In fact it is already at our property line and will be connected to my house by December. We are on two acres with underground utilities. They just need to run it from the pole outside our gate and underneath the ground to our home. Because this is happening quickly, I don’t know if I can wait for your other blog posts. Are there any items that must be addressed at the time of installation? Or is easy to address them at a later date, when I’ve gotten up the learning curve? Thanks!
Dear Renate,
I know several ES people who have the option to connect to a fiber optic provider, but have held off for now. The have kept their phone line DSL or cable internet connections until they know more about the new system. If you are electrically sensitive, you may want to see if you are affected in other homes in your neighborhood. This will tell you if there is something with the fiber optic system that doesn’t work for you. It could also not affect you at all. It seems to be dependent on the equipment used by the internet providers, along with multiple other factors including the home and the individual.
Thanks for responding. I really need the higher speed for my home office where I teach classes via video teleconferencing. I’m often kicked out with my current DSL line which is affecting my business.
I’m not able to feel WiFi or smart meters. But do feel dirty electricity in the form of fluorescent lights, etc. I’ve completely cleaned up our home because I’m a registered nurse with friends who are very sensitive. My view is it is best to err on the side of safety rather than to wait until one becomes ill. Therefore, we have no smart meter, and zero WiFi in our home.
Because it will be very expensive to get hooked up after they leave our neighborhood, I’m inclined to go forward. If it becomes a problem I could then go back to the older technology. Although AT&T will probably stop maintaining the DLS lines when our community fully converts to fiber.
Same problem with our landlines. AT&T won’t allow people who purchase a home to maintain the previous owners landline. Instead they are pushing VOIP.
Is there anything I need to have them do prior to running fiber optic cable underground and into my house? Or can all remediation easily be done at a later date?
My next article will cover what I do in a home that is served by fiber optic internet (see #7 above). If the fiber system in your neighborhood becomes a problem for you (which it sounds like it won’t), then there are plenty of things you can do after the fact.
Hi Jeromy.
I just got fiber optics installed in my apartment building four weeks ago. I never really thought twice about it until I came down with a massive headache that lasted for about three weeks. I ended up going to the hospital and to an IV drip place because I was thinking maybe I was severely dehydrated. I started researching anything and everything that could be causing this and I realize they had just installed fiber optics at my complex unfortunately the box for my entire building where they put all the connectors in is right outside my bedroom window. And inside that building we have about 150 apartments.
My question for you is am I getting this reaction simply because I’m highly sensitive to fiber optics? Or is it because the AT&T box where he installed? All the connections are on my bedroom window? I’m trying to figure out what to do and what to request from the apartments.
I have requested they move the box which they told me no. And will it even do me any good to move to a different apartment within this complex if it has fiber optics? Or should I move to a completely new complex As soon as possible?
Not only did I have a horrible headache, and no longer sleep in my bedroom, but my son and I both have kind of a ringing our ears constantly when we’re at the apartment.
Hi Pam,
Thanks for writing. Sorry to hear what you are experiencing.
There is most likely a significant amount of EMI on your wiring from this system. It could also be radiating from the infrastructure right outside of your apartment. There may also be an additional wireless component to that infrastructure. You would only know by measuring properly.
I encourage you to move to a different building asap so that the sensitivity to this does not increase.
There is simply not much you can do in your present situation to shield or reduce this.
Reach out to me via email if you have any specific questions.
Hope this helps,
Paul Vonharnish
Heh, heh… Like every other bird, insect, plant, and living creature, I was born electromagnetically sensitive.
After 35+ years of attempting to wake people up to the biologically destructive properties of electromagnetic induction, I have given up any hope for humanity.
Excerpted from: Recurrent thalamo-cortical resonance – Wikipedia
Alpha oscillations and attention:
“Gamma-range oscillations are not the only rhythms associated with conscious thought and activity. Thalamocortical alpha frequency oscillations have been noted in the human occipital-parietal cortex. This activity could be originated by the pyramidal neurons in layer IV.[3] It has been shown that alpha rhythms seem to be related to the focus of one’s attention: external focus on visual tasks diminish alpha activity while internal focus as in heavy working memory tasks show an increase in alpha magnitudes.[3] This is contrary to gamma wave oscillatory frequencies which emerge in selective focus tasks.”
I’ve read nearly 100,000 pages of such data, and non-intended electromagnetic induction of neuronal cells and tissues are at the bottom line of altered and chaotic modern behaviors…
I know I’m not being helpful, but ducking for cover whilst we destroy the Earth is a bit counterintuitive… We are murdering the planet with electromagnetic infrastructure so we can talk endlessly about how to stop doing it…
ALL pulsed broadcast and oscillating electronic emissions need to be banned, period.
Mark Williams
As someone who is involved in designing outside plant fiber networks I feel some clarification is needed here.
Many newer fiber optic networks operate with zero power in between the signal origin point in the Telco office to the actual fiber modem / router / WiFi combo in the customers house. In effect they are all just light and glass from the ISP to the customer.
Even the NID on the exterior of the house is just a transition point from outside planet fiber to an indoor jumper. Passive splitters are rapidly replacing old hybrid fiber / coax systems that would have been placed on poles or in pedestals. For example, AT&T is converting their old HFC pedestals that used power to convert from fiber to coax for Uverse (what is sometimes called “fiber to the curb”) into passive splitters for their new AT&T Fiber (true fiber) service. The power and electronics became too unreliable and costly to maintain over time and the passive fiber splitters allow for higher quality service.
The problem many times is just getting enough fiber to the area, which would have been under estimated in years past when designing the HFC systems. However, AT&T is using powered outdoor ONTs on the exterior home wall and running ethernet from there instead of going all the way to an indoor modem / router combo such as the Calix Gigacenter that I had mentioned previously.
To summarize, not all OSP fiber networks operate the same way, and what you are describing (HFC design) is rapidly being replaced by larger fiber cables and passive splitter systems (GPON) that operate with no power in between the optical laser at the signal point of origin to the media converter at the end user.
Thank you for the thoughtful update on the current fiber optic technology / installations.
I had a similar conversation at the EMF Conference with the president of American Teledata where he explained some of the coming/current advances in fiber optic technology. I am hopeful that we will eventually get this quite right.
Perhaps the people who have contacted me with symptoms from fiber / high speed data systems had the older system you mention above in their communities.
The next question will be how to design media converters in the customer’s home that do not put a lot of EMI both on the data (Ethernet) and electrical systems. This will take good engineering.
This is what happens when it is done improperly with a cable modem:
Thanks again for your comment.
Amateur trying to get technical
About EMI filters, what about those ones: https://www.curtisind.com/products/rfi-power-line-filters/?
Should I select another page from them?
Apart from this detail, what are the principles = which criteria to check?
How to check?
with a Fluke, AEMC, Sperry, else?
Where to check?
In the building, the two phases are accessible at the dryer and at the cooking range.
The neutral cable should not be accessed by a non-trained because of its close location to the two phases.
The earthing cable is accessible.
What to check?
millivolts, spikes, frequencies?
What values are accepted?
Thank you.
Feel free to reach out to me for a phone/Skype call. Will be easier to go over all your question that way.
Jennifer Yap Caspe
Thanks for this, Jeromy! This answers the 5-month issue I have had with electrical sensitivity. I noticed that when I am using the internet through a LAN in our apartment complex, my hands can feel the electricity and it radiates to my back. I am using an external keyboard and an old-school mouse and I only use the computer when it’s running on batteries plus I do not use a modem (the computer is directly plug to the LAN), yet I still feel the buzz and if I do this a long time, I get a headache. But when the internet is not plugged in, I can use the computer for hours without a problem.
Now I limit my family’s use of the internet since I have small kids. I will also unplug all computers from the LAN cable every time it’s not in use.
My question is how do I do a fiber optics system that will act as barrier for my condo since I cannot change the internet connection in the apartment complex.
Would really appreciate your advice. Very grateful for this piece of information. Thank you and God bless you!
Hi Jennifer,
Grateful we are getting you closer to a healthier computing setup.
There is likely quite an electric field and/or EMI coming to your computer. I would start with this grounding procedure (get the Ethernet ground adapter and the CAT-7 Ethernet cables):
If that doesn’t work, then my next article about putting a home fiber optic system between your computer and the modem should do the trick (#7 above).
I’ll send that out soon.
Keep in touch about this.
Looking forward to the next article. This is a problem for me too – when the computer is connected to the internet (even on ethernet), I get symptoms. When I unplug the internet, I can use it as my word processor much longer. I haven’t redone my ethernet connection as per your video, so I need to try that first with the better-shielded cable.
Hi Dawn,
I have experienced what you are going through. Have you done the steps in this article between your modem and laptop? This typically helps a lot.
I’ll show how I also do this with a fiber connection in my next article (to be published soon).
Addicted to Speed
As always, a collected analysis. I love this.
It is a new problem for my knowledge, so, interesting.
What we have here is:
+ Internet by fiber optic or… nothing, because we are eight terrestrial miles from the village’s center and we harbour polygon-destroying and film-loving teenagers.
So, we are addicted to speed for family peace.
Work telephone conferences and Internet use the fiber optic thin plastic cable at the same time.
The other telephone line is copper only, so that it works when electricity is gone, sometimes 12 hours in winter by 0 ˚F.
+ the building’s Internet and phone equipment and their electronically hashed power supplies are in a metallic grounded cabinet. One plastic electrical cable supplies their artificial hunger.
+ the fiber light-electron-light converter (LEL, ha ha) connects to the modem which connects to the router which sends electrons through shielded cables.
+ the data/voices cables are shielded = electric field only detectable at the end.
+ of course, all building’s and users data/voice devices are wired, not wiSeless.
+ the electrical wires are AC 90/BX and are laid according to a minimalist plan.
+ one computer is a Macbook pro 2015 with *SSD*, seems to give zero symptom
Bough it because one EHS person tolerated it. Installed F.lux set at 2 400 K.
+ one computer tower is wrapped in a carbon plastic sheet, grounded
+ the last computer is mobile, new and not checked, dispensing digital anesthesia
+ bought ten mechanical mice = one ball below and two buttons, no wheel.
Bought ten USB active signal converter for the ten PS2 mice.
Works with the Macbook computer.
+ all phones are on a copper line only, all zero AC.
All phones are 10′ away from sleeping rooms’ walls.
However, they are all plastic (EMF transparent).
What more can we technically do given that we want to keep the addiction?
Thank you
Hi Jeromy,
They are currently drilling on my street for fiber optic wiring (for upcoming 5G), all underground, installing boxes every few houses to split the wires, including a box on our lawn. I am also currently suffering from illness from EMF exposure and was advised by my physician to lower it as much as possible.
I would greatly appreciate it if you could explain how the fiber optic method creates EMF if you do not choose to use the utility company’s internet service, but the wires are running below your front yard, up through the box on your yard, etc.
Of course, they told me there would be no EMF exposure from this because it’s not using antennas/cell technology.
Thank you.
Hi Jenny,
It will depend on the equipment they use. As I mention in the article above, there are ways to reduce any EMI coming into your home. You likely won’t know if there is an issue until after they connect everything.
If you want to have a consultant come over to look at things, let me know your area.
Tiffany Horan
Hi Jeromy,
It was great to hear what you had to say at EMFC this year!
Thank you writing this article on EHS and fiber optic installations, it was very interesting. I’m looking forward to reading more of your articles.
Thank you Tiffany!
Florence Schneider
Wow! Thank God you and others are on this.
Thank you for the article. Still trying to understand it. (also EMF… how to check for problems and helps). While walking to bus stop asked a young man walking with a rolling measure tool what its for. He said AT&T doesn’t have records and wants to put in fiber on towns main road. Thought they had as there were large box that always hear a fan at end of our street, thought was fiber. On next street is another box they go to repair my phone landline (needed repair twice in last 2 yrs (he said AT&T was trying to rid landlines). We still have copper wire old line.
Can I measure if problem at phone jack or cable outlet (no longer get cable). Did use am AM radio and seems to be noisy there (both phone and cable). Have a voltmeter, would that test if EMI?
Hi Lynn,
Feel free to reach out to me to discuss so I can walk you through what to do in your home. This is how I do phone/Skype consults:
My best,
Is EMI the same as dirty electricity?
Hi Rosemarie,
Yes, electromagnetic interference (EMI) is the proper engineering term for “dirty electricity.” DE is just the term that has been popularized.
EMI isn’t limited to being on electrical wiring. As the article points out, it can be on the copper cable/internet lines as well.
Hope this helps,
George Parker
Thanks Jeromy a good article, but the sad thing in our country in area where there is hybrid fibre cable (HFC), we have no choice, as they are going to rip up the old copper landline.
I have also found another device that is causing EMI in our homes is the power line communications (PLC) adaptors used to replace the ethernet cables in the home. I knew there was EMI in my home—not DE—and I pulled out my trusty old AM transistor radio and it picked a lot of induction around 10MHz from towers and I now believe the PLC that is am using for my cable Foxtel.
Keep up the good work Jeromy.
I am just preparing to go to NBN optic fibre, as I have no choice. Some areas will be able to keep their copper landlines, but provider service in outages will become worse forcing you to HFC.
Thanks for sharing your experience George.
Indeed, PLC communications can be quite problematic from an EMI perspective. The only time I recommend that is for a wired baby monitor option. In that case, the EMI will be less of an issue than having a powerful RF source next to a newborn:
I typically just run long Ethernet or fiber cables in my home.
Let me know how it goes with the NBN fiber connection.
Cindy Brooks
I have a Comcast router that has no RF emissions, and the electric field measurement by my router and desktop computer is 15 V/m. The cable and outlet where the powerstrip for the computer is plugged in, which is 2 feet from where I sit, measures 50 V/m, but the chair where I sit is at the 15V/m level. Do you think this is a problem?
Hi Cindy,
You are likely picking up the electric field from the AC wiring in those parts of the home. I like to do my computer work in an area that has the circuits turned off. That way I can get my electric fields down below 1 V/m as seen in this image:
Do you have an older Radio Shack AM radio to measure radiated EMI?
Gloria Frank
Hi Jeromy,
Gloria Frank here in Reno, Nevada. I hope all is well with you. I am happy to see this info regrading Fiber Optics because I am very ill from the installation of Fiber Optics underground wiring in my neighborhood (and the whole town) about 5 months ago.
I am currently a “Safe Technology Educator” in my town and how ironic that I am now needing to find information to remedy my own ill health. My whole home is all “wired” and still my health is so effected from Fiber Optics that I am compromised by even being able to use my computer, my landline phone and my grounding mat can’t be used anymore by grounding it outside because my lawn area is now compromised.
I have Charter Spectrum for my landline phone and internet. I have a wired modem but I am suddenly having such a difficult time being on my computer. It was suggested to me to purchase a Furman Power Station to see if this reduces the sensitivity I am feeling, but I haven’t had it installed yet. I don’t know about Genisco Filters but do you think this is a product that would help me?
Thank you Jeromy, Gloria
Hi Gloria,
I responded with some ideas in an email to you. Hopefully that will help get you on the right track.
Also, I have no experience with the Furman Power Station.
My best,
Dave Lindsay
Hi Jeromy,
I have wondered myself whether the conversion back to electricity (and the conversion to light) could potentially be a problem with respect to EMI emissions and electrosensitivity. You are the first person I have heard talk about this potential issue.
Such emissions are a by-product of operation, much like those of combustion. This is in contrast to wireless communications for which the radiation emitted is an intrinsic part of the process.
We must recognise the problem and seek mitigation through improved design. Electronics that generate such emissions, including computer processors, might be shielded in a metal box, with filtering to stop the EMI carrying along cables that enter into or exit from the container.
With respect to ‘speed’ – specifically bitrate – I think that there are many users that simply think higher speed must be better, and so may have signed up to a service that is greatly excessive for their needs. Information on the bitrate systems and applications require should be made available, so as to aid selection of a suitable service.
Thanks for your comment Dave. You are exactly right.
Most people are focused on RF, which is indeed a big issue (5G, WiFi, smart meters, etc). However, anyone who is electrically sensitive knows that EMI and the lower frequency fields can be just as important, if not more.
Eventually we’ll have products that are designed with low-EMI emissions in mind. But first we have to bring to awareness that this is a problem.
This is a wonderful article, Jeromy.
Could you clarify something for me? If one does not use fiberoptics in one’s house, but it has been installed in the neighborhood, does that mean the EMI and be traveling on the Comcast cables that one is using for internet connection and phone service? In other words, is it like solar panels, that spread EMI everywhere on the neighborhood grid and everyone’s electrical wires, except in this case it’s getting spread on copper wires and internet cables?
I used an AM radio to detect EMI and found the most EMI was coming from the modem, which is grounded following your instructions and is an Arris TM 7222G/NU with no Wi-Fi capacity. The other place where the AM radio was extremely noisy (buzzed loudly) was when I held it up to the shielded ethernet cable (Cat 7) where it inserts into the laptop ethernet port. Is that EMI unavoidable?
Thank you so much for keeping us all aware of such important environmental pollutants!
Hi Connie,
Thank you.
You are correct in that with some systems, the EMI on the data lines will go into each home, much like solar system EMI on the electrical wiring. To a certain extent, this is unavoidable or needs to be filtered before coming into the home (see point #5 above).
Most modems will create a lot of EMI, both from their operation and dirty power sources. However, you can and should ground this before it gets to your laptop. I outline how to do that in steps 2-4 in this article:
I will add to this in my next article where I show you how to install your own home fiber optic network between your modem and computer so that there is an EMI barrier between the Comcast data system and your laptop.
Stay tuned for that!
Thanks Jeromy. I look forward to seeing the article you are preparing.
I’m still a bit confused, though. In your reply, you write that the new article will explain how to set up one’s own home fiber optic network between the modem and the computer to create an EMI barrier between Comcast data system and my computer. How would setting up my own fiber optic network create an EMI barrier? I guess I’ll have to wait to see the article to understand better! Perhaps it follows the principle of fighting fire with fire? (fight fiber optics with fiber optics)
I use slow fiber converters that are lower-EMI and then I ground the EMI and low-frequency electric fields to the outside before it gets to my laptop.
By putting a fiber system between your computer and the modem, there is a barrier of light (your fiber cable) that won’t let that EMI pass through.
It should make sense in my next article.
For now, be sure that you are doing steps 2-4 in this article.
This should really help with any computer sensitivity.
Bonnie Jacobson
I have been affected by EMF since last fall and have changed several things in my home based on your recommendations. I use a landline and ethernet cable. I’ve had Comcast cable tv which hasn’t been a problem. This month Comcast installed underground fiber optic cable and they turned it on yesterday. All of a sudden, I can’t watch tv without being affected and couldn’t sleep all night. Do you think I’d have the same problem with Direct TV which is a satellite signal? Thanks!
I just found your page and I just need to offer a huge, hearty ‘Thank you’ for all this great info!!
I’m in a pinch. I know so little about this subject and I’m frantically trying to read all I can in a short amount of time. My town is installing Fiber Optics and they’ve already staked the flags/markings on my lawn to begin digging here soon. I’m located about 2 hours north of Detroit in Southern Ontario, Canada.
Here’s the problem: My Mother is SEVERELY sensitive to EMFs and I’m a close runner-up. We’re pretty old-school around here—our home is completely ‘wired’—absolutely no WiFi, cell phones, cordless phones, smart TV or appliances, microwave, etc. A smartmeter was forced upon us but I have installed a faraday cage and that has drastically helped. I use only a desktop computer hardwired to an old non-WiFi modem using DSL service. Just this summer we bought a Trifield TF2 EMF meter and have made adjustments and rid the house of more EMFs that we were not previously aware of.
I am just now learning about EMIs. My Mother is insanely affected by things like LED lighting–if she sits under an LED light for just 10 minutes she turns from feeling great to literally deathly ill and downright green. (Dining in restaurants is pretty much history for us). I presume this would (at least in part) be a result of EMI.
We once vacationed in a place where the phone was cable-based and the ‘box’ with battery backup was located in my Mother’s bedroom. Even with unplugging it each night, she became very ill with various maladies both years we vacationed there.
So, this is an area of which I need to be EXTREMELY careful!
My town wants our consent to install the Fiber Optic cable to our home free of charge (it will cost us if we want it later on). I’m always extremely leery of new technology, especially when it’s being offered for free. We have the right to say no to hooking up the Fiber Optic to our home, but it will definitely be installed at the curb.
Here is what I know about what will be happening:
They will be installing the Fiber Optic cables at the street with ‘vaults’ (presumably the ‘converters’ you mentioned) and ‘splice enclosure boxes’ on the outside of each home that has given consent. Inside the house they will mount an O.N.T. (Optical Network Terminal) where it is connected to the existing wiring to allow existing landline services to function once transferred to the fiber network. This O.N.T. requires a 110v electrical outlet for power supply and also contains a battery backup of up to 6 hours. From the O.N.T. they will connect the Fiber Optic system to the computer/modem/router with a CAT5E cable.
As of yet I have not given consent, but time is ticking. I fully intend to switch to a different Internet provider, as I am not satisfied with my current one. However there are providers in the area that utilize the existing telephone line that I can choose from (at least for now and the foreseeable future).
I have several questions for you, and I desperately hope you will help me with this as I am a newbie when it comes to all of this technology.
My most pressing question right now is:
1) If the Fiber Optics were installed right to my house, but not hooked up (leave the O.N.T. unplugged as well as remove any connections to the existing wires), would there be *any* EMFs or EMIs emitted from this set up?
Also of huge concern:
2) You mentioned that EMI can piggyback on the copper wires and phone lines—which I presume, makes virtually every wall/room in your house radiate with EMI/EMF. Can this happen if the Fiber Optic is NOT installed to the house? (if the Fiber Optic is just down at the curb and no where near the house?)
3) It would seem that the system/technology my town is installing is that which Mark Williams talked about in his comment. If so, would Fiber Optic actually be a safe option for us to consider?
4) I have read that the Fiber Optic cable itself does not emit EMFs. I also know that it is best to use at bare minimum a CAT6 Shielded cable to reduce EMF emissions. Obviously, as you have pointed out in this article, there are options to deal with the negative effects of Fiber Optic after it is installed.
But my current concern is should it be installed at all??
I have no need of super high-speed Internet—I just do light surfing, emailing, and would like to watch a few videos on YouTube from time to time. So if Fiber Optic is an option I should avoid altogether—that’s absolutely fine!
5) If installed ‘properly’ (with the right kind of technology) is Fiber Optic actually safe? If so, what kind of technology (all the components) is the ‘right’ kind?
6) This question will hinge on the answers to the previous, but I’ll just throw it in here as well – Is it possible to have the Fiber Optic O.N.T. hooked up only to my computer and nothing else—and would this reduce/eliminate EMFs and EMIs?
I am so adamant about this that if “push came to shove” down the road, I would go so far as to cut ties with the Internet altogether if it would make our home a safer and healthier environment for my Mother. But right now we are faced with the decision to consent or not to Fiber Optics at our house.
I apologize for being so long-winded and all my questions, but I’m at the mercy of time, lack of knowledge & adequate understanding.
I also apologize if you have answered any of this elsewhere and I just have not come across it yet (I’m reading as much and as fast as I can!)
I appreciate anything you can tell me and help me with these concerns. I’m sure many others are facing or will be facing similar situations and could greatly benefit by your answers.
Thank you for all you do!
Hi Tara,
Glad the article has been timely for you. In short, I would hold off on the fiber connection based on both of your sensitivities. If you can keep your same DSL connection for now, stick with it until you learn more about this and have a prudent path forward where you know the solutions will work for both of you (for instance GPON fiber to the home with a truly low-EMI media converter, once we find one that has been made).
For most ES people, sticking with older technology as long as possible is the best option for now.
Also, your mom likely has a flicker sensitivity. That is very common. I can send some solutions your way with that as well.
For the time your questions/situation requires for an adequate response, we would need to set up a consulting call. This is how I work if you want to go that route:
Hope this helps,
Oh, you have helped me immensely! Thank you so much, Jeromy, for taking the time to respond and so quickly! I appreciate this more than you could ever know!
Your advice to hold off on the fiber connection is absolutely sound. That was my gut reaction from the get-go, although I could not base my instinct on any cold, hard facts, being virtually ignorant of the technology. Fiber may be the only venue in the future, but I’ll definitely be waiting until that point to consent to the technology if counteractive technology is available at that time to eliminate any EMF/EMI. It may be installed ‘free’ right now, but at what price? Our health is a FAR heftier price tag than saving a bit of money.
I also want to say that I completely understand the need to for a consultation for the in-depth answers my questions would require. I am absolutely not opposed to that—you should not have to offer all your knowledge and time without proper imbursement. With the peace of mind you have already given me by helping me decide against the fiber connection installation, I would like to beef up my knowledge on this topic through a bit of research first—as I may have different questions for you as well. In not giving consent for the installation, this has given me more time to explore the subject without the pressure of a time-crunch decision.
Thank you, too, for mentioning ‘flicker sensitivity.’ I don’t believe I’ve heard of that. I recall hearing about certain lights/TV/etc. have differing flicker rates. So putting the two together, this would seem to make sense. Here’s a new topic I must explore!
Knowledge is power. The more I can learn the more changes and preventative measures I can put in place to make our little world as safe and healthy as possible.
I cannot say “Thank You” to you enough, Jeromy!!
Thank you!
Glad to be of help Tara!
Sounds like you are on the right track.
Keep in touch,
Cherry Bright
What model of modem should I look for to connect with iiNet ?
Hi Cherry,
I am not familiar with the low-EMI/EMF modem models/providers in Australia.
I would work with a local EMF consultant to discuss this issue.
We moved into a new home in a fiber optic community and took that service. I can’t sit at my computer for very long or use my phone without major symptoms. I thought fiber optics would be cleaner! This all makes sense now.
My only option to switch is Spectrum. I need a land line too since cell phones bother me even more. How do you use your own modem if you have a phone with the provider? I have had to purchase their device and have them turn off WiFi. I have to keep checking it because they randomly turn it back on.
I’ve been concerned about 5G and had no idea they use the fiber optic system! Those boxes are between every house in our neighborhood!
Hi Sherry,
Thanks for writing.
Be sure to do this setup between your modem and laptop. It will reduce the electric fields and EMI coming to your computer (steps 2-4 are what you need to do):
When working with Spectrum/Charter, you can buy your own non-WiFi Arris modem model TM1602A:
That will keep things from turning back on.
Finally, this is what I do for a landline setup – even when going through the modem:
Hope this helps!
Bruce Cain
Jeromy, you write:
However, there can be a significant problem with the high-speed fiber optic converters out at the street (or in the home with some newer fiber systems) that create these electrical data signals. This is because the converters are not designed with low-EMI emissions in mind. Thus, their power supplies and operation can generate high amounts of wide-spectrum EMI (electromagnetic interference). This inadvertent EMI then piggybacks on the copper cable and phone lines into our homes where it can radiate from every copper wire. This EMI from the fiber optic infrastructure is a primary reason why electrical sensitivity is increasing when high-speed internet is installed in our communities.
I have a few questions:
* Are there alternative technologies that could give high speed internet that DO operate with low-EMI emissions and thus less radiation.
* I’m assuming we are talking “dirty electricity?”
I think you would still agree that fiber is much more energy efficient than wireless. Just interesting in how you would answer that.
You seem to have a better understanding of this than me. So, to cut to the chase, have you written about a “health friendly” infrastructure — from signal origination to signal destination — that would be safer? OR are their inherent technical considerations that make higher data rates inherently dangerous. Frankly I would be comfortable with 4G. There is no good reason to connect billions of devices which could be using up 20% of our electrical output — for wireless communication — by 2025.
Bruce W. Cain
Hi Bruce,
Yes, EMI and DE are similar. EMI is the more technical term.
As I mention above in the response to Mark’s comment, having a low-emission media converter, along with GPON fiber all the way to the home would be a great solution for everyone. This is especially the case if the fiber isn’t also being used for 5G small cell antennas out at the street.
It will take some awareness and good local laws to get there, but I think that is what we will eventually have.
Thanks for your comment and work.
Bruce Cain
Thanks for the reply. So would this solution also work for 5G? Is this how 5G will be handled. Of course none of this will solve the EMR problems of 5G as THAT will be wireless radiation. My solution?
* Remove all 5G antennas
* Remove all Smart Meters and put the Analog Meters back
This should be the position of ALL Stop5G groups as far as I am concerned.
Thanks for this great article Jeromy! I believe I am experiencing this problem but I’m confused because regular tv channels don’t cause me to feel ill. Most shows on Netflix and Amazon prime do cause me to be ill. Can you tell me why?
Hi Patty,
Most electrically sensitive people do worse with high data / high bandwidth applications such as HD Netflix, Amazon or streaming YT on your laptop. In some cases, there is more EMI created by these high bandwidth activities. This is likely what you are reacting to.
If you are by chance using wireless for any of this, higher bandwidth applications will typically have greater amounts of RF involved.
Perhaps ground the Ethernet connection before it gets to your TV, as I outline here:
Let me know if this helps.
We got fiber optics installed They said it was low EMF…. (NO!) They promised shielded wires, but it was just regular. They buried wires in the lawn, put an ONT box (modem) on our shed and then wired a non shielded Ethernet cable into the house (under floor in the crawl space).
I only had 2 hours of sleep when they put that in. Whatever it is, it is from hell. So I went to the shed and turned off power supply to the ONT. And gonna pull out the cables from the house too & disconnect from that thing.
Going back to the coax cable from another provider, it’s shielded it turns out.
But the fiber is in the lawn now… and if the ONT is going to stay in the shed, will it make EMF in the house?
Another option I thought would be put faraday enclosure on the ONT, ground the ONT and cable to the ground rod right there, and then use shielded cable at least to the router. Would that do a thing, or is the solution to get them to remove it, I think they were Ok with that.
Thanks for your info and wish I had read it before we put in that thing!
Thanks for this great article and all the other great info that you provide!
I’ve just been informed by Verizon that they will be suspending/disconnecting the current copper (landline) phone network in my community and I will lose my phone service in three weeks if I don’t switch to their fiber setup. They plan to install an Optical Network Terminal inside my house. Have you seen much difference in the amount of EMI created if the ONT is only used for phone service versus using it for full internet access? (I get my internet access through Comcast and use a wired connection with my own non-wifi router. I’m not planning on changing this.)
Hi Eric,
Thanks for writing. This is likely a situation that many of us will face in the coming years.
My first question is whether Verizon is going to provide pure fiber to the home (with no copper / power backbone)? See Mark’s comment for more on this:
This would be a good thing for you, if you can get a low-EMI media converter that will transfer the fiber data to your copper system in the home.
That is a big “if” though at this time and most likely the stock media converter they give you is going to be produce a lot of EMI, which will then go on all the copper telephone wiring in your home (if that is all it is hooked up to).
So, I would be wary of what they are offering.
You will only know once you have the system installed and see how you feel with it. This is all so new that we are seeing what works for electrically sensitive people as we go.
I rarely use a landline phone. What I do is use Skype on a low-EMF laptop where I have grounded out all of the EMI / electric fields between my modem and computer. You would simply do this between your Comcast modem and computer:
This allows me to do even 1 or 1.5 hour calls without too many symptoms. This system works better for me than even this analog landline phone setup:
If you did this, you wouldn’t need Verizon’s fiber connection to your home.
Keep in touch with what you find.
Connie Anderson
Thanks for the reference to your article on the analog phone and amplifier. I had not read it before. I just ordered the items (the links you give are broken now, but you can find the amplifier on eBay and the phone on Amazon by searching for the product). It will be interesting to see if it helps me when I’m on the phone!
Hope they are of help Connie.
My current method of voice communication is Skype / Zoom from a low-EMF laptop with a grounded Ethernet connection. This works as well or better for me than the analog phone option.
See #5 here:
My best,
Hi Jeromy,
As usual your article is very interesting and clear. In Europe they don’t worry much about the consequences of EMF and I figure that EMI is just known as the nickname of Emily.
I will check with a friend that cables Telecom, what they are installing here out of the doors and at home for optic fiber.
On the other hand, there’s a big concern for the 5G connection on the air. The scientific community (too often in revolving doors with the same industries that produce and sell cables phones and modems they should honestly analyze) says it’s just a conspiracy theory and the 5G is absolutely safe.
I don’t think so, but it would be nice to have your opinion on this.
Take care and best regards
Ken Lassesen
Another, human cause — better bandwidth and your neighboring houses are suddenly filled with more WiFi devices and repeaters. Every room become a powerful transmitter.
Jeromy, can you please give me some advice? I have to stay at an AirBnB that has 4 very strong wifi networks according to my cell phone (all full bars). I think they generate from the same modem. Is there ANYTHING I can do? I’m pretty desperate as I can’t rest well at night. I know the modem is in the room below me and I know the side of the room where it is. I bought four 32″ x 32″ aluminum sheets from Home Depot and I placed them on the floor right above the spot where the modem is in the room below. My phone still gets the 4 networks with 4 bars. Is there anything you would recommend please?
Hi Anna,
I encourage you not to stay there if you are too close to the WiFi routers.
The other thing is that you really need an RF meter to test the power of the WiFi. Using your phone won’t work. Here are the meters I recommend:
And how to use the EMF Meters: https://youtu.be/_aVINxa2ERA
If you can’t find another place, a bed canopy is your main option. The Dream Canopy on this page is a good option when you are traveling around:
Hope this helps,
Thank you so much Jeromy 🙂
When will you have a paper version of the book? When/if you update the electronic version with any essential info, will you let buyers know?
Do you have a YouTube channel? It would be so great to see videos of how you deal with EMFs at home, travel, etc. So many people on YouTube addressing this issue don’t really seem to know nearly as much as you do.
Thank you Anna.
I am working on the updated version of the book. Then it will be to the presses. Many people get the current PDF and print/bind at a local print shop if they need the book now.
Here is my YT channel. I’ll be posting many more articles and videos in 2020:
Keep in touch,
Hi Jeromy, thank you! If I get the pdf now, do I get the updated version of the previous version? I just subscribed to your YT channel, thank you for all this information you’ve taken time to make available! One more question – I want to switch from an iPhone 7 to a low emf phone. I see that you recommend flip phones – are there any smart phones that would be significantly better than the iPhone?
The main reason I want a smart phone is because I like to listen to podcasts and YT videos. Of course I know there’s radiation of the phone antenna is on, but there are ways to download files and listen offline. But a flip phone wouldn’t allow me to download anything.
Then I would keep using a smart phone, but listen to the podcasts and music when the phone is on Airplane mode. Then there is no harm at all. You can download items, set the phone down, and come back near it when the downloads are complete. I know many people who do this.
Hi Anna,
Yes, if you remind me about your purchase, I will send you the updated version. The changes won’t be significant though.
There are no truly low-EMF phones (and SAR is a very misleading calculation meant to give people a false sense of security). The main thing is how you use them. Here are my tips:
David Tutwiler
Remember the brick-phone? Can’t remember exactly when those first cell phones came out but I’m pretty sure these networks of cell towers didn’t exist then. How did those brick phones work without cell towers? Why are these towers needed today if they were not needed then?
EMI, EMF’s, RFI’s, VHF’s
All of there terms confuse me.
I know different one’s are present with different sources such as cell towers, fiber, CAT6 & WiFi. Can you help me distinguish between the many?
There is a big 3-story apartment complex being built up the street from me and it has a brand new cell tower that stands within a hundred yards of the structures. I feel pretty certain those folks who will be moving into those apartments are going to be highly exposed to harmful radiation.
This is all leading up to a question:
Is there a single, hand-held device made that can measure all of this harmful radiation, Wifi & VHF’s (30-300 MHz) included?
Thank you,
Hi David,
Thanks for your comment. A few resources for you:
1.) Watch “Generation Zapped” about the beginnings of cell towers. They did exist with the initial brick phones, but were rare.
2.) For a good primer on the 4 types of EMF’s, read my book. I explain the topic correctly in a way that any beginner can understand:
This article will help too:
3.) If I were to get just one meter, I would get the Safe and Sound Pro II. It only measures RF (cell tower, WiFi, etc). But that is a good start. The cheaper 3-in-1 meters are not accurate at all and can be misleading.
How to Use Your EMF Meters: https://youtu.be/_aVINxa2ERA
Hope this helps! Keep in touch,
I just submitted my consent for fiber optics in my neighbourhood, hoping there would be no problems with it being wired…
Zavian Smith
Is there a possibility for a cure after this (electromagnetic sensitivity) happens to you?
Hi Zavian,
Yes, many people get better if they reduce their exposures and work on their health. Having a low-EMF home is a key aspect of getting better.
If you ever want to discuss, we can have a Skype/Zoom call. This is how I work:
My best,
George Parker
Jeromy, I have spoken to you on a number of occasions via EMAIL and since Hybrid Fibre Cable (HFC) has come to town, my world has been turned inside out. Our power system is 240V AC.
I had changed from my Internet from Server 1 as they were determined to give me a SMART modem that had 2.5GHz, 4GHz and 5GHz, when they knew that I was vulnerable to EMR, and had been suffering radiowave and microwave illness since 1960 (ex-military microwave communications officer). Server 1’s modem is not friendly as you can disable 2.5GHz, but 5GHz turns back on and the 4GHz can’t be disabled. Server 2 provided a safe modem, TPG-Link VR1600V, and all wireless can be disabled.
But, since HFC connection and using VOIP (non-wireless corded phones), I have measured 700-800 V/m at the phone, yet THE Server 1 phone connected to copper cable measures 7.5 V/m. The power adaptor of modem measures 700-800V/m 380mG at the power connection and all power points in my home measure 700-800V/m, including the Ethernet cable to laptop and all phones connected to VOIP.
It’s definitely EMI, yet THEY say that optic fibre can’t produce such, which is a pack of lies. Have you any idea if there is a filter that can be connected between the source of power and between VOIP connection and phones? If I can’t reduce this EMI, I will not be able to use a phone. Have any idea if there is such a filter available?
The two pronged adapter can’t be earthed, as we use three-pronged 240V AC. I had three electricians out and they haven’t a clue.
Server 1 is going to disconnect my phone in two months and if I can’t solve this problem with the power adapter and this problem of the 700-800V/m, then I am in real problems.
Hi George,
Sorry to hear you are going through this.
What about using one of these to see if it reduces/stops the stray voltage coming in on the line?
Let me know if this helps.
Clinton Crawley
A nearby cell tower invades our house with frequency radiation. My wife can hear the sound and walks the floor in pain from the tower. She is even injured by the tower and it seems to be what has given me the stroke and heart attack. Insects and birds are dying and my dog is sick. My Acoustimeter RF AM-10 shows red lights in my house in the air—not near electrical outlets.
I would like to know if your printed books are available now.
Hi Clinton,
Seems like moving is definitely a wise move.
My book is not in paperback form at this time. Many of my clients who need the information now get the PDF and print/bind at a local print shop (it’s about 80 pages and costs $20 to do so). It will give you a paper book for now to get you going.
Hope this helps,
Ahh.. another informative blog that I have read today.
Thank you for sharing Jeromy.
Diane Sellers
Have you looked into the quantum photon hologram shield technology? Can you comment on the science behind that or direct me to a website?
Hi Diane,
Thanks for your question. Please read the first couple paragraphs here to see my thoughts on this approach:
Also watch my talk at the EMF Conference last fall where I mention this:
My best,
Zac E
I have recently been having breathing issues where I feel the need to randomly take DEEP INHALES like I am short on air even though I’m breathing fine.
It started happening infrequently about the time I changed my internet to fiber (1 GiG upload/download) and after a few months it has become more frequent where i’m having the issue all throughout the day.
It started around September 2019 before that I was perfectly healthy…have been to Drs for this and they all say i’m totally fine and chalking it up anxiety…but I used to have bad anxiety and depression years ago and NEVER HAD ANY SYMPTOMS or REACTIONS that had anything to do with breathing.
Is there a way I can test to see if this is the cause?
Thank you for taking the time to read this.
Maja B
Thank you for sharing your knowledge!
Hi Jeromy,
I just got an AM radio, RadioShack 12-464, and am wondering if the feedback I hear is due to electric and magnetic fields as well as dirty electricity? In other words, when I take the radio near my laptop and hear loud feedback, is that a response to the electric and magnetic fields of the computer, or is it feedback from the EMI or both? Is EMI indicated by lots of disruptive, jagged noises or is it just indicated by an increase in volume, or both? I am just not totally sure how to interpret what I’m hearing. And must the radio be set all the way to the left at 530 kHz, or could it be used on any AM channel, from 530 to 1700 kHz?
Hi Katy,
Thanks for writing.
The AM radio is a near-field magnetic field sniffer. It is picking up the magnetic component of the fields in the AM frequency band.
Every computer will be very loud within a couple feet of the device. This is now how you use the AM radio.
I’ll send you my AM radio protocol via email.
Hope this helps,
Does using fiber optic cable from the modem/router and fiber optic pc network adapter solve the emf problem?
Thanks in advance
Hi Tom,
Great question. This can help with the EMI coming to your computer. It won’t help with any EMI that gets on your home electrical system from the fiber system though.
The fiber converters that you will use with the fiber optic system in your home will have some EMI / electric fields. I would be sure to ground the connection before it gets to your computer. I outline this process here:
Shelley Wright
Hello Jeromy!
I’m a teacher from Ontario, Canada. I expressed concerns to the United Nations panel (Re: Disabilities) that accessibility for electro sensitive people needs consideration with the rollout of technology.
I recommended Fiber optics as a solution because wireless infrastructure can have a debilitating effect on electrosensitive people and reduce their access to essential services. Are there Fiber Optic options or methods that manufacturers can use to make Fiber Optic systems more inert so recommendations can be made to industry, town councils, etc. to create fiber optic technologies which support accessibility needs for electrosensitive people around the world? Are there solutions you can think of that manufactures can provide? Do you have connections with people who may be able to create/propose solutions to manufacturers?
With the push for greater connectivity, this is a time sensitive issue! Electrosensitive people will have limited access to essential services if wired options like fibre optics don’t fully support their long term health. Fiber optics would be much better than pervasive wireless signals, but there must be a way to make this infrastructure a little safer.
Thank you kindly for your help.
Hi Shelley,
Thanks for writing/asking. Here are my current thoughts on ways to make fiber optic installations safer:
Any electrical sensitivity issues with fiber (which are fairly common with ES people) are from the data conversion equipment at the street or in the homes. Fiber itself is perfectly safe, but the equipment converting the light to electrical signals can cause EMI that will be on the neighborhood electrical system and data lines into the homes.
Pure fiber to the home is much better than a hybrid system or fiber lines that have a metal backbone (this will conduct EMI into the home). Here is an example of Hybrid vs Pure Fiber Optics:
You can hook as many devices as you want up to a home fiber connection. Your router connects to the fiber optical modem (ONT). The router can then connect to dozens of devices if you want (all wired hopefully). However, the only data connection will be at the ONT device. I typically recommend this high speed eco-router that can have the WiFi completely disabled (but has the option to have it on at certain points as needed). It radiates at 10% of the power of a typical router when in use.
High Speed Asus AC1900 Eco Router: https://www.jrseco.com/p/jrs-eco-100-wifi-d2-on-asus?c=6680
The ONT (fiber modem) is usually provided by the company. At this time, there are no third party fiber modems that we could cherry pick (like we can do with cable providers like Comcast and regional ISP’s). Sometimes it’s the ONT device that ES people are reacting to. They are putting high amounts of EMI on the home data lines and electrical system. This is why for now I recommend that ES people continue with cable internet. I discuss this in more depth in this comment:
Having low-EMI ONT devices would make fiber much easier on ES people. This is the key to safer fiber in my opinion.
Obviously, you want an ONT device with no WiFi as well. Some have WiFi built into them and you will have to work with the provider to get this disabled.
This reader comment gets into this issue:
Also, beware that fiber can in some cases be used as a trojan horse for small cell development. The following articles speak to this. If you advocate for fiber in communities, you need laws/ordinances in place that won’t allow it to be used to put small cells that are used for 4G/5G on every street corner. This will greatly increase the RF in your neighborhood.
Having pure fiber run to each home with specifically selected/designed low-EMI ONT devices for the data conversion in the home and no small cells deployed in the community is a low-EMF future for all that also provides fast, secure and reliable internet. It will cost more up front, but will pay dividends in health and economic development for many generations to come.
I hope this helps,
Celine Tiera
I cut the cord a few years ago (and substituted WiFi for everything from computers to TVs) and now I think we’re seeing the health effects. I won’t bore you with the details but suffice it to say that during a recent power outage that lasted all night the entire family slept better and woke up feeling more refreshed than we have in years. So I’m online looking for articles to convince me to switch back over to cable and what type is best, etc. and I came across your article re the dangers of high speed 5g fiber optic systems. I am not a techy and tried to glean from answers above the simple answer to this question: what’s the safest way to connect to Internet and be able to watch cable television? (BTW, we’re in the States where misinformation and greed at the expense of safety abounds.)
Hi Celine,
Wonderful that you have connected the dots!
Start with this article and begin to run wire most things in your home:
Beware that most smart TV’s will still want to radiate. Watch this:
Disabling a Samsung Smart TV: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bnW1_hM3iO8
You will eventually want to measure the EMFs. Read through and watch these:
How to Use Your EMF Meters: https://youtu.be/_aVINxa2ERA
Why inexpensive EMF meters don’t work: https://youtu.be/TFcl05hkVkE
Keep in touch,
Rachael Stephens
Hi there! Does anyone know the laws/policy about installing fiber optic cable in the street? It’s going in right now in our street, and my family members have extreme electrohypersensitivity. We were not given any notice at all, and I’m wondering if this is standard procedure or not (and if there is any recourse). Called the town hall and they said the town wasn’t and isn’t even notified because it is handled at the state level.
I had a similar experience, there was a power outage one day and I realized the house ‘felt like it used to feel’…before 2019, when the damn smartmeter was installed. Been fighting that, no success yet. I got the FO to help things and it really is not from what I can tell.
Re better sleep, I started turning off the breaker every night to get good sleep. If I don’t turn it off at night, my heart palps get bad and my blood oxygen is very low the next day. At least I know why now.
best from Oregon
Lacey Gaitan
Hi Jeromy! This is so helpful- thank you! I apologize if I missed this part, but I couldn’t find it. Is there a way to locate where the fiber runs? Is it usually on the outside or just everywhere? Also, is there a main hub where everything connects in a neighborhood that can be identified (and avoided!)?
Thank you!!
Hi Lacey,
Sometimes the fiber lines are above ground, up on the poles. Otherwise, they are below ground. The best way to know is to contact your local telecom company and ask if/where the fiber system is located in your neighborhood. It’s best to ask what type of system they have. I talk about the safest fiber system in this comment:
Hope this helps,
Thank you for this informative article! I always thought that fiber optic Internet connections were safer, but now I know that this isn’t necessarily the case. In new builds (if we wish to have wired, fiber optic Internet connections), would using a CAT9 cable help with lowering magnetic and/or electrical fields? If not what rating of CAT cable would be best for the job in terms of limiting EMF radiation?
Hi Ren,
Thanks for your comment. Grateful this is valuable to you.
Your Ethernet cables won’t matter too much, as long as they are shielded and groundable with metal RJ45 endings. Then you can ground your Ethernet system per this article.
As for the best way to do fiber, read my comment here:
Hope this helps!
Nice article, Thanks for sharing 🙂
Just wondering if you have written anything yet on how to install one’s own fiber optic system between cable modem and computer to create an EMI barrier between the computer and internet provider’s system, as stated in Point 7 of your article?
Hi Sheila,
Thanks for asking. I’ll email you the document. I’ll publish the article on my website in the coming months.
Jack R.
I would also like that document very much please!
Jayne NewZealand
Hi Jeromy, thank you for everything you do, and thank you for personally answering my email the other day, amazing!!!! Question, I am doing everything possible to mitigate EMF as I’m super sensitive. Uncle Google, for some reason, cannot answer this, but if you sleep low to the ground, or on a small mattress on the ground,(so like your building floor is about two feet off earth,), on a wooden floor, is it possible there’s Less EMF at lower levels than say at 3 feet, or standard bed height?
Jack R.
I’ve been dealing with EHS and DE for almost 8 years now and am just now finally starting to slowly recover if I keep a healthy distance from stuff and eat brain foods.
I’m about to pick a new net provider for the next year or so and am choosing between Xfinity coax which I already have, it has a clear impact on the house’s DE, or trying AT&T fiber which is true fiber.
I was thinking if I get the line to run to the garage and shield the converter, then run it to my own modem/router, would that result in less DE because I don’t have copper running right into the house? I’d think I might have to ground it but IDK if the fiber cable pulls any more of the converter from the power line’s juice into the house worse or on some different frequency than the copper cable. Any tips on how to ground the in house converter to help with this, or opinions on how it might effect my home and the metal/wood within it would be very appreciated.
Hi Jack,
Great questions. I have sent you an email with some specific ideas.
My best,
Do you or do you have technicians that can go to homes and do all of the things you recommend? Especially, for those who are not savvy with all of it?
Thank you so much.
Hi Apste,
Yes, I do have some good recommendations. What part of the country do you live?
This interference is almost identical to the one when I place a wifi-enabled WIFI router next to or on top of a refrigerator, or place the same right next to the mains circuit breaker box of the house. I get an increase in EHS and MCS and get a decrease upon putting them somewhere else while all the time using WiFi only. It’s incredible how it makes a difference to the severity of my symptoms. It feels like I have some superpower to tell such things!
The fiber optic communication and the routers themselves are the actual problem, it’s the type of switch mode power supplies many of them use. Yes, it is possible to use a linear power supply with these units but it would make them unbelievably big and heavy, which is the reason they don’t do it.
However, the power supply in people’s microwave ovens and a couple of other specialized but yet under reported low end induction cooktops are far worse for EMI and EFI.
I come from the medical and electrical / electronic industry. While your article does have it’s merits, you should be investigating the switch mode power supply. An example is that of the power supply units for laptops, netbooks, induction charging docks for portables like phones and tablets, as well as the desktop, let alone the All-In-One (AIO) computers.
You’d be shocked to see the results.
By the way, the Underwriters Laboratory and FCC have limited scope in measurements for which all electric and electronic devices and systems must pass, very few go for the most stringent standard.
I would like you to go to this site, it will give you some more ammunition and to understand what and why this occurs.
Most of the equipment you’re talking about is rated for Industrial / Commercial use, which is far different than Residential.
Why the difference?
Residential is in a small confined space and has more soft bodies present (humans and animals, in other words). That it’s rare to have a Faraday cage at home unless you’re an engineer, that works with EMI, RFI in AF, IF and RF stages.
Thank you for the excellent comment, Lex. I will certainly look into the website you shared.
Elizabeth Foley
Is there a way to get pdf /printable versions of your blog entries like the one above — as well as the Comments section with your incredibly helpful responses to the comments?
I would be willing to pay for this like a subscription. Maybe a monthly update on new comments could be made available.
I have a hard time reading online, due to severe EHS.
For example, I tried to copy and paste your fiber optics blog into a Word document so I could read it offline, but it came out to 73 pages since I wanted the comments too.
Thanks for all that you do!!
My fiber optic internet provider showed me that their cable is not wire backed with steel. If I get a 100MBS or less WiFi router to plug into the “optical network terminal”, will that set me up for minimal EMI?
Choose Joy
Question… What about the fiber optic junction boxes? Can they emit anything if we are not connected to it? We have a very sensitive son and we just found out that the fiber optic junction box will be in our front yard.
Thank you for your help.
Yes, there can be an issue with EMI on the electrical wiring and the data line coming into the home.
Do you know if your internet provider is installing GPON or FTTC fiber?
Hi Jeromy, I am writing from the UK. When I had fibre optic installed, I had to wait a few hours before I got a connection. Strangely, my computer said ‘internet access’ during all this time – but windows open in the browser said there was no connection.
During this time, I had no EHS problems even when I turned on wi-fi on the router and on my computer for a few minutes to see if I could get internet access that way. Finally, I phoned up technical support and they said turn the router off and then on again.
I did so and the very second that the windows in my browser became active, I was hit by symptoms – e.g. a step-up in my previously low-level tinnitus to an all-time high and at a very high pitch – a pitch that I have not encountered before.
The fact that it hit me at that point and not before makes me wonder if it was the computer itself that was the problem – the massively increased speed might have enabled the computer to work at a new level of efficiency and with it, send out a whole lot more radiation.
What do you think of this idea? If it’s true, then getting my computer professionally shielded might make fibre bearable.
I have had difficulty getting my head around much of what you have written on this subject – that’s not a criticism of your writing skills which are good, but of my comprehension ability. But since you obviously understand what you have written, my question is whether what I have told you about the timing of my symptoms helps you to identify the source of them.
Thanks. I hope you pick this up because most of the comments are from years back!
Thanks for your comment, Dominic. I responded with suggestions via email.
I rang BT the British Telecom company and they won’t renew our contract unless we change over to ‘fiber’ apparently this is obligatory on the say so of the government.
We have been trying to stay on our copper line even though its now so unreliable, all our neighbors have fiber which has been installed directly into the houses.
As an alternative we have been given the option of what is called a BT mini hub that we plug into the computer and works like a mobile phone for the internet connection. This is not ideal but minimum we can control our use of it and we have decided to try this option, if it doesn’t work out then looks like fiber will have to be installed.
Piotr Bein
My phone service provider in Canada has disconnected me, for refusing to accept their switch to fibre from copper.
I refused because years ago the company didn’t inform me about the health effects of router they forcefully supplied with the wi-fi on, no instructions how to turn it off. Some years later I discovered the ill effects and they were gone after I switched off the wi-fi and installed an ethernet cable with my son’s help.
They required access to my home to connect the fibre to house copper cable. Could it be that it’s a way to get a high frequency antenna inside my house now or at a later date?
Hi Jeromy
We have a pole outside our house carrying new fibre cables to houses further down the street. We have fibre to our building via cable. Do you know if this pole is an issue and if there is anything we can do about it? We live in the UK.
Many thanks,
Hi Grace,
Thanks for writing. Sounds like you FTTC (fiber to the curb). This is the most problematic type of fiber as it tends to create the most EMI.
There are solutions to this. I’ll be publishing an update to this article with some ideas. You can reach out to me via email if you are currently experiencing electrical sensitivity symptoms from this.
Hi Jeromy, thank you for your valuable resource.
We must upgrade our internet by the end of the month to avoid losing service. Sonic says they use xgs-pon (the newer version of GPON) and no metal sheathing around their cables. They also said their fiber has no EMF because it uses light whereas cable internet emits more EMF b/c it’s through electricity.
Do you still recommend cable in this case or do you recommend the Sonic?
(Also, we have a huge fiber box on the telephone pole in front of our house – should we be concerned? (It doesn’t seem like we can get the fiber box moved.) The box is from Sonic so if we get a Sonic fiber line to our house, is that problematic? Would it help to do AT&T?)
Thank you so much!
Hi Ali,
Thanks for your question and kind words.
There are a few things to consider here:
1.) XGS-PON is simply a higher bandwidth type of fiber. It delivers 10 GBPS rather than the 1 GBPS that many homes have now. Very few families need 10 GBPS. 1 GBPS is already more than enough. You can do everything you need, including simultaneous Zoom calls, Netflix and video games from multiple users with 100-200 MBPS from basic cable internet.
2.) I have 1 GBPS GPON to my home and have no EMF problems. I would have no issues if they upped that to 10 GBPS GPON provided that my fiber optic modem (ONT) was similar or the same as what I have now.
3.) Sonic is correct in that pure fiber itself does not transmit any EMF/EMI (electromagnetic interference). However, at some point, the light data has to be converted to electrical signals. In your case, this is going to be your fiber optic modem (ONT unit) inside your home. If this unit is noisy, this EMI would be on your home wiring and Ethernet system.
4.) This the key element. In my home, I have a simple GPON ONT that is the size of a couple decks of cards. It has the pure fiber cable coming into it and then one Ethernet port from which I connect the rest of my home internet system. It looks like this:
5.) The issue with Sonic is what type of ONT they provide. If they can provide a simple ONT like what show above, then I would have no issues going with them. However, they may tell you that they only have one type of XGS fiber modem that has Wi-Fi built into it. This ONT unit might create a ton of EMI as it provides 10 GBPS of speed and the Wi-Fi might be difficult to disable. If they say they have to disable the Wi-Fi from their office (and it comes back on during system resets), that is a non-starter. You want the only Wi-Fi in your home to come from your own router that you control.
6.) Work with them to see if they can figure out a simple solution for you, like the GPON modem pictured above. If they can, then Sonic fiber can be an excellent low-EMF solution for everyone.
7.) If not, the reason that most health-conscious people stick with cable (typically Comcast) is that we can buy our own third-party (Arris) modem that we know is low-EMF. This allows us to have control of the internet EMF in our home.
8.) If AT&T is your only other option, you can disable the Wi-Fi in the settings of the modem. I show how to do this here:
9.) The box out front of your home should not be too big a problem. This is generally where the fiber optic cables for the neighborhood connect to the main line.
Hope this helps. Let us know what Sonic says. You can share this comment with them.
Thank you so much! I will check with Sonic and report back to the community. Thanks again!
Hi Jeromy,
Thanks again for your thoughtful response.
If we typically keep wi-fi on in the house (my husband wants it on) do you think the xgs-pon would emit more EMF than the cable wifi? (given that we’re getting more bandwidth from Sonic than Xfinity)
Thank you so much!
Hi Ali,
It’s difficult to know without measuring the RF emissions from a particular modem/router.
As the new service is 10 GBPS, the Wi-Fi technology may be quite powerful. I simply haven’t measured this type of service yet and it depends on the type of frequencies and modulation they are using to provide WiFi that is that fast.
Comcast Xfinity modems are actually very powerful and have multiple channels (private and public for people walking by your home). This is part of why you don’t want the Xfinity modem that comes standard with their service.
What I recommend in your situation is that you get a wired only XGS-GPON modem/ONT from Sonic. Then you connect this JRS Eco Router. It’s a top of the line router, providing 1 GBSP speeds with the latest technology. However, it emits about 1/10th the RF and is only radiating when a device connects to it.
It’s what most of my clients use that need some Wi-Fi in the home (such as your situation). It also has an On/Off button for Wi-Fi and you can put it on a timer so that it’s off at night when you sleep.
High Speed Asus AC1900 Eco Router:
JRS offers my clients a discount of $8.00 on any purchase. You will enter this code at checkout: JJ21FHRE
You can use this eco-router with either Sonic, Xfinity or AT&T. Then the overall Wi-Fi emissions in your home will be less.
Hope this helps,
Thank you so much!! I really appreciate your help!!
Hello Jeromy,
Thank you very much for all the important information you are sharing with the world.
I am very new to understanding how these types of broadband work and how EMF radiation is created.
My downstairs neighbour just had an engineer install full fibre optic broadband. There is a grey box on the side of our wall and they have a WiFi router. I have been experiencing severe migraines when in the house since they installed it.
They are using Openreach (in the UK), and checking their website it seems that they are using a 1000 Mbps download speed/220 Mbps upload speed. Our own WiFi only has 60 Mbps, so I am wondering if this large difference is creating the increase in EMF that is affecting me so badly?
As you said that full fibre optic broadband is better and does not release EMF, is it the 1000 Mpbs increase that is creating this issue? Is the grey box on our wall radiating too? I also saw that you mentioned they should turn off the WiFi, but I do not understand how they would then be able to use the internet (they do not use laptops, only phones)?
Are there any solutions? For example would a lower bandwidth such as 100 Mbps be better? Or would turning it off at night help, do you think, and is this possible?
Any help would be very much appreciated, thank you!
Hi M,
Thanks for your questions.
It may be that there is an added EMI element with the new fiber optic system. They Wi-Fi router may be more powerful too.
You can almost always disable the wireless and have a wired home internet system. I discuss how to do this here:
I will be able to provide you more specific help if we do an email or phone consultation. You can find this service here:
Keep me posted,
Hi Jeromy,
I recently moved to the US from Germany where I felt pretty comfortable about my knowledge when it comes to reducing EMF radiation (I should add that I still use my mobile phone and laptop with Wi-Fi enabled so I am only looking to reduce my overall daily exposure levels to a certain extent as I want to continue using my phone and laptop – though for the latter am considering switching to an ethernet connection).
I finally got the go ahead for an apartment building in an apartment that uses either cable with Spectrum or Verizon Fios. I did some research – some of it on your website – and feel a bit at a loss as to what would be the safest option and if Verizon Fios even has the possibility of turning of WIFI on the router that they provide.
Would you be able to give some insight?
Looking forward to hearing from you.
Hi Maike,
Thanks for writing.
In your shoes, I would go with Spectrum cable internet and purchase your own wired modem (Arris 8200):
Then you can control the WiFi in your immediate vicinity. Read the summary at the top of this article for the basic steps.
Managing the WiFi with Verizon FIOS is more complicated and it may turn back on at any time. With your own equipment, you can manage things much more effectively.
Keep in touch with any other questions and welcome to the US!
Hi Jeromy,
Thanks so much for your reply, I really appreciate it. Turns out that my building management was misinformed and I can only have Verizon Fios which was installed today. So I guess I need to start looking into managing their router…:-(
But thanks a lot for your help.
Hi Maike,
Could you post the basic instructions/process for disabling the Verizon FIOS Wi-Fi in your modem here?
Thank you,
Sharon L Noble
Hi, Jeromy,
I wrote you years ago about this problem of the conversion from ONT that is causing high levels of harmonics on the home wiring as well as the phone lines, etc. After a couple of backs-and-forths you suggested that Genisco might have a filter. I have written, called (had to leave messaged), and emails about a filter for this purpose and never has Genisco responded.
When I last wrote you, you didn’t have any further info about the filters. Do you now? If not, have you any info about the filters or how to get Genisco to answer my questions?
People need to know that with VoIP they will not have phone service if a prolonged power outage occurs. Whether they are with Spectrum or some other internet provider, they will be limited to the number of hours that the battery works. After that no phone service, even 911, is available.
Sharon Noble
Thank you for sharing all of this important and helpful information. Having EHS is like being an alien in today’s world and It feels good to have people who understand what we go through on a daily basis.