Are you ready? Your family needs you. Your community needs you. The world needs you!
EMF (Electromagnetic Field) pollution can be very scary. It is somewhat invisible, a bit daunting and may seem more complicated than college calculus.
No wonder most people prefer to keep their heads in the sand.
Do not fear though. The following will give you everything you need to be an EMF Superhero. The recommendations and solutions have been vetted by an engineer with more experience in EMF pollution and solutions than he would wish upon anyone.
His experience is your gain. You can become an EMF Superhero in no time flat! The world desperately needs Superheros like you at this time. Please join us!
There are 3 Phases to your Superhero Training. Take them in order for the most ease or skip ahead if a step peaks your interest. Print this page as paper emits considerably less EMF pollution than your computer, and you will then have a hard copy of one of the most comprehensive solution guides in the Universe at your fingertips.
As you master each step, you will reduce one of the most potent sources of pollution on the planet. Few people realize it yet, but man-made EMF pollution may be one of the health and environmental crisis’s of the 21st century. It is and will continue to affect nearly every family and community on the planet. The effects are just now starting to appear.
As is the case with most Superheros, you are ahead of your time. But, you are exactly what the world needs right now.
Let’s get started….
EMF Superhero Training – Phase 1 (Easy and Effective – Basic Training for EMF Superheros)
1.) Get Wired: EMF Superhero Rule #1 – Cables are Cool and Wireless is Kryptonite! We all love the convenience of wireless and Apple likes to make us think cables are out of style. However, here is the deal – an overwhelming majority of the independent science points to the dangers of wireless technology. So, replace cordless phones and wireless baby monitors with wired versions. “DECT” cordless phones and headsets are one of the biggest sources of microwave radiation in a home or office. The same is true for your Wi-Fi router. Turn off your Wi-Fi and run an Ethernet cable from your router to your computer for less EMF exposure (more on toxic Wi-Fi in Phase 2 of your training). We can have, and will continue to have amazing technological advances – but they will be wired.
2.) Get Smart: If you have a wireless “smart” meter attached to your home, replace it with a wiser, safer analog meter. Thousands of people in the United States, Canada and Australia have been injured by wireless “smart” meters. Further, “smart” meters are not “green” or environmentally sustainable – no matter how many times the advertising people say it. They constantly emit microwave radiation, which harms all life. How can this be sustainable? They also put “dirty electricity” onto the wiring of our homes (see Phase 2 for more on this). For more information on “smart” meters, click here to watch the powerful documentary “Take Back Your Power”. These guys are true EMF Superheros! This short video will show you why:
This is what “Smart Meter” radiation does to our blood cells.
3.) Get Grounded: EMF Superheros know that nature is where the action is at. You can get some of the beneficial effects of being in nature by sleeping grounded. Grounding can be complicated though, so I explain how you can do it safely in this article. If you are in a home with high electric fields or dirty electricity, it can actually be worse for your health.
4.) Get Real: Cell phones are Kryptonite too! Now, most people love these amazing little devices. They seemingly give us incredible superpowers. However, allow me to let you in on a little secret that every EMF Superhero knows….. cell phones are the cigarettes and asbestos of our time. The Supreme Court knows this. This former wireless industry engineer even knows it. After 10 years of use, the incidence of brain cancer skyrockets – especially if you start using a cell phone as a child or teenager. So, if you must have one, use it rarely and wisely. Here are some important tips:
- Use speaker phone or an “airtube” headset from Less EMF Inc.
- Primarily use a cell phone for texting and emergency calls. Save voice calls for your wired land line phone or Skype at home.
- Keep your phone on “airplane mode” most of the time. That way it is not radiating your private parts when in your pocket. EMF Superheros realize that “smart” phones radiate every few seconds and lessen the chance of our being able to produce little Superheros.
- Never put an operating cell phone next to your head or reproductive organs. If you would like to train your friends and family to use a cell phone wisely, download this brilliant app to their phones (it even has a parental lock).
- Save high-data activities (videos, music, internet browsing and email) for a wired computer at home. This will greatly reduce the radiation you are exposed to. This also means the little girl living next to the cell phone tower down the road may receive a little less radiation (All EMF Superheros care about people living next to the cell phone towers. EMF Superheros also know that cancer clusters are appearing around the world next to cell phone towers).
- Never use a cell phone in your car. The radiation is magnified as the phone searches for the next mast and is reflected by the metal that makes up the vehicle.
- EMF Superheros know that sacred geometry stickers and pendants, while supposedly providing superpowers, do not protect our brain cells. Don’t develop a false sense of security because of them (You can read why here). Distance and shielding are the only known ways to reduce EMF pollution. Otherwise, this is how much radiation your brain receives when a cell phone is next to your head (not good for anyone, but especially troubling for children):
How to Use an iPhone Safely
EMF Superhero Training – Phase 2 (Bootcamp for EMF Superheros continues….)
1.) Practice Safe PC: Computers are heavy emitters of EMF pollution. No wonder people around the world are starting to get headaches and other health effects when using them. In order to stay healthy when using a computer, EMF Superheros always do the following:
- Use an external keyboard and mouse (wired, not wireless). This way your hands and body are farther from the EMF pollution coming from the computer. Here is a guide that I created for this.
- Place a Defender Pad laptop shield over the main body of the laptop in order to block some of the EMF pollution.
- Use an older laptop – they emit less EMF pollution than newer models. PC’s emit less EMF pollution than Apple computers.
- Primarily use a laptop on battery power (not plugged-in and charging). This will decrease the EMF pollution that your body receives. You may also want to ground your computer (contact us for more info on this).
- Use a shield in order to reduce the EMF pollution coming from the computer screen.
- Never use a tablet (iPad) computer to surf the internet. Tablets only use Wi-Fi (EMF Superheros know that Wi-Fi is toxic as it messes with our superhero abilities. After all, Wi-Fi is air pollution). Tablet computers constantly emit high amounts of microwave radiation (which damages our cells in ways that won’t be seen for years or decades). If anyone you know has a tablet computer, make sure the “airport” or Wi-Fi functions are turned off. If your child’s school wants every student to use a tablet computer – be an EMF Superhero and explain to them how dumb and shortsighted this idea is!
- Use your computer strategically. Most people love Facebook, but it keeps us glued to the computer. Limit your computer use. Take frequent breaks. Go for long, slow walks. Your nervous and immune systems will thank you. Your Superhero abilities will increase.
- If you are a writer or spend a lot of time writing, do most of your typing on an AlphaSmart 3000. These electronic keyboards emit almost zero EMF pollution, so you can type all day without headaches and then transfer the file to your primary computer.
- Connect to the internet with an Ethernet cable, not dangerous Wi-Fi. When you use Wi-Fi to connect to the internet, you are subjecting your brain and body to microwave radiation. The following illustration from this study makes this clear:
2.) Just Say No To Wi-Fi: EMF Superheros know that Wi-Fi is so 2015. Wired solutions are the future. If you really want to be high-tech, go completely wired in your home by turning off your Wi-Fi ( watch this video ). You can run Ethernet cables to your computers. There are even technologies, such as D-Lan in Europe, where every electrical outlet in your home is wired to the internet. Important note for EMF Superheros: If someone in your household is addicted to their beloved Wi-Fi and is not quite ready to quit cold turkey, then at least turn it off at night and when not in use. A timer is good for this (like the one used for Christmas lights). You can also put a microwave radiation reducing silver scarf or this router guard from Less EMF over the router. This science experiment may help open their mind:
Note: This science experiment has been controversial. However, the findings have been successfully repeated by qualified scientists in Sweden and the results will be published soon.
3.) Sleep Sound: Superheros need their beauty rest and they know that EMF Pollution affects melatonin production at night. One of best ways to sleep deeper is to have your bedroom completely free of EMF pollution. In addition to turning off all wireless devices in your home, remove and unplug all electrical devices from your bedroom. A battery-powered alarm clock is all you need (preferably not an iPhone, but if you must, be sure to keep it on “airplane” mode all night). One of the best things you can do is turn off the circuit breaker to your sleeping area. This will cut off the flow of (dirty) electricity through your bedroom walls at night. Try it – you might have the best sleep in years!
4.) Clean House: Electricity today is now extremely “dirty”. Thanks to the “smart” grid, wireless “smart” meters and all the digital devices we plug into our electrical wiring, basic electricity now produces radio-frequency radiation throughout our homes. It radiates from every wire within the walls of your home, which can cause headaches, insomnia and a myriad of health problems. EMF Superheros know this is a huge issue and some use filters as a temporary solution. Some of the best “dirty” electricity filters can be found here. These filters from Less EMF are also excellent. Note that filters do not always help some electro-sensitive individuals, so test them for yourself before buying dozens. Ultimately, we will have to force the utility companies to clean up their act!
5.) See the Invisible: You may want to hire an EMF professional to come over and measure things (highly recommended – contact us for a list of qualified professionals). However, EMF Superheros also take matters into their own hands. Seeing and hearing is truly believing, so you must get a measurement device. The best measurement devices can be found here.
This is what Wi-Fi radiation would look like if we could see it with our eyes. There is no need to fill our homes and communities with this pollution (Photo by Nikolay Lamm).
EMF Superhero Training – Phase 3
(This is where you truly become an EMF Superhero. If you have children, an electro-sensitive person in your life or care about your community and the planet, then these are the steps for you).
1.) Find the EMF Villains Near You: No, we are not talking about your local Public Utility Commission (although they are high on the list thanks to their love of “smart” meters). We are talking about cell phone towers! They are the toxic smokestacks of our time – spewing microwave radiation 24/7. This website shows the cell towers near you and is usually quite accurate. However, it cannot keep up with the myriad of new transmitters being installed every day by cell phone and utility companies (thanks to the infrastructure needed for millions of wireless “smart” meters). Unfortunately, any telephone pole on your street could host a wireless transmitter, which could be right outside your bedroom window. There is even evidence cell towers are reducing property values. Walk around your neighborhood with your measurement device to get a truly accurate picture.
2.) Bed Canopies for EMF Superheros: Every EMF Superhero needs a protection at night. If you live near a wireless transmitter or cell phone tower, we highly recommend that you sleep under a bed canopy that acts as a protection shield and blocks out most of the microwave radiation (this is especially important for children and electro-sensitive individuals). Here are the best bed canopies available. Unfortunately, some people have no choice but to move away from cell phone towers because the wireless industry lobbyists snuck a rider into the 1996 Telecommunications Act that made it illegal to sue a wireless company because they destroyed your health. EMF Superheros know this law is unconstitutional and must be overturned! Watch this video to learn more:
Watch here to see how an EMF Bed Canopy can improve sleep quality.
3.) Shields and EMF Superhero Capes: If you are unable to fly away like other Superheros or simply do not want to move, you can shield your home with EMF blocking paint, window shielding and other fabrics from Less EMF. It is vital for your long-term health that your sleeping rooms have low EMF pollution. Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt found that women who sleep in a high EMF environment either are not able to conceive or have a high risk of having an autistic child. The combination of bed canopies, shielding materials and turning off the electricity to your bedroom at night will greatly reduce the EMF pollution you are subjected to while you sleep (this is the critical time each day when your body heals itself).
4.) Strike Back: If you got this far, you are a true EMF Superhero! It is time for you to take your new superpowers and go help the world. Find a way to raise awareness about EMF pollution. Share this page on Facebook and Twitter. Organize parents to demand that your children not be subjected to Wi-Fi all day, every day, at school. Get all your neighbors to turn off their Wi-Fi at night and opt-out of the “smart” meter program. Organize a protest around a local cell phone tower. Go make some news! Show your new EMF measurement device to family and friends. Some will even pay you to measure their home. Once people see EMF pollution with their own eyes, they will be your supporter. You will be their EMF Superhero!
Good luck and keep us posted on your progress!
You can be an EMF Superhero too. The world needs you!