I found these signs posted in the heart of Silicon Valley yesterday: There is a saying that the antidote often grows next to the poison. Silicon Valley is the center of wireless technology and many here are seeing dollar signs as the next new thing is to quite literally connect everything we own to the internet via pulsed digital microwave radiation ( a probable carcinogen ). It is called the “Internet of Things” and is a dystopian nightmare if you actually think about it. However, where ever I go and with most people that I speak to, there is an emerging understanding that this technology is dangerous. It appears people are catching on….
These business and home owners are certainly wise to fight the new cell tower on the block (a six story behemoth amongst one story buildings). As this scene from the film “Resonance – Beings of Frequency” shows, there is much to be concerned about.
Henrik Eiriksson has been running the Mast-Victims.org website since 2005. Over 11 million visitors have viewed this site. His story, and that of his parents who became electro-hypersensitive (EHS) because of a cell tower, are becoming all too common.
Comments from Previous Web Platform
Thank you for all this info. About 2 weeks ago, a cell tower was erected less than 1/4 mi. from our newly purchased rural home. Our neighbors don’t seem to be aware of EMF dangers. They almost seem like they don’t want to be bothered, It’s a small town and I think some of the neighbors are friends with the owner of the property where the tower is posted.
The tower is not active yet.
We’re just starting to research how to protect ourselves, so we can follow the first and basic procedures.
Sorry to hear about this.
Here is a page that may help:
In my book I talk about what you can do to shield your home:
Keep in touch,