Cafe owners in Sydney are realizing that “Free WiFi” comes at a cost. As The Syndey Morning Herald reports, cafes are starting to limit or ban WiFi so that people will actually have real interactions. It’s economic too – allowing one customer to purchase a $3 coffee and take up a table for five for hours on end is simply not good business practice.
As the health effects of microwave radiation come into the mainstream, this trend will only accelerate. WiFi will become just like smoking – once a ubiquitous presence in all cafes/restaurants and now something that is socially unacceptable.
You can read the full article here:
“The love affair between coffee shops and laptop-wielding customers may be dying out as coffee shop owners revolt against Sydneysiders’ demand to be wired up.
Wi-Fi backlash is a trend accelerating among coffee shops, bars and restaurants, where a failure to see the benefits of Wi-Fi-induced turnover is encouraging many owners to restrict Wi-Fi or ban it.”
The cafe of the future won’t have WiFi. Hemingway’s Manly manager Theo Gibson is a trendsetter. Photo Credit: Janie Barrett
Just like Faraday Cafe, which opened last summer, Hemingway’s Manly is a pioneer in moving us toward a healthier society. Photo Credit: Janie Barrett
Lienke Katz
Thanks!! There may be hope yet!?? I was looking at the latest from the conference in San Francisco with Camilla Rees, Dr. Devra Davis, etc at the Common Wealth Club in SF. short but sweet. Now waiting for it to penetrate the minds of the addicted.
I received an e-mail from “the Institute of Science in Society” in regards to a movie/video to be made called “on the back of the tiger” based on the saying that it is easier to get on the back of a tiger than to get off.
Anyway there was a small trailer and it seems to me it is going to be an exciting movie incorporating the newest science (the importance of “water” as unique medium and message for life (Ling, Pollack, Del Guidice, Mae Wan Ho)) You might be interested in following up on it.
I am limiting my computer time as I am working on getting rid of the mercury with DMPS, and I like for it to not be redistributed too much.
Thanks again! Lienke
YEAH !!!
great way to go…!
Some common sense here…Thank You for your efforts to cut down WiFi mania and reduce people’s exposure to microwave radiation. This is 21st century smoking…free WiFi means free microwave radiation…and the health effects research (highly manipulated by the industry) is not showing good news for human health, or for life on Earth. Check out the recent International Scientists’ Appeal to the UN and WHO that urges public health protection from mobile and wireless radiation.
Sad to see that the article states the places are giving up the free wifi, but yet are still keeping the units on. This means that everyone in the place is still being irradiated. Having it not be free does not mean the place is safe. I call places before I go, as I can not tolerate wifi and it causes me mini strokes. Most lie and say NO when they do and I end up sick. For some reason they think if it’s not free it then will not effect anyone who is not using it. They somehow think that those that can’t tolerate wifi will not be affected, as it’s not free for public use.
If the wifi is still on it’s harmful.
No consideration is given to the health effects of this horrible wifi.
Excellent news! I miss having coffee with friends due to chronic and acute EHS symptoms – now I can still have a social life!
Michele Gelman
Wish there was one of those in Chicago!
This is such bullshit. It has nothing to do with encouraging interpersonal interactions, which incidentally is none of their business anyway. Its because people with wifi spend more time at the tables and hence slow the in again out again flow of customers. Ive had that confirmed by several resaturants. Thats fine, but just don’t lie and try to be all altruistic sounding. Personally I wont go someplace that doesn’t have wifi. Whether or not I want to chat with someone online, or in person, or check my emails, or whatever , is my choice and I don’t want anyone telling me what I should be doing with my time. You don’t want to offer wifi, thats fine, just don’t have it but don’t tell me what I should be doing instead.
I agree on the point that this is primarily about turnover of tables for cafe owners. BUT, the point of this post was to also bring attention to the fact that WiFi is actually dangerous to a growing number of people.
So, your personal freedom to check Facebook is impinging upon the basic rights of other individuals to enjoy a cup of a tea and a conversation with a friend without getting a headache. Which is more important? Should people be free to smoke in restaurants as well?
Flex, they’re finding that EMFs are not good for us.
Not trying to dictate, only educate. This is a real thing, and will be more and more recognized. Don’t forget, they not long ago had doctors on television telling us cigarettes were good for our health. Knowledge is power. You are now a bit more powerful.
Pamela Remme
Kind of like smoking or non smoking. Don’t ridicule people who get sick from radiation poisoning. If you are a non-smoker you would understand. I only wish that in Georgia we would have places to go. I also wish we could opt-out of smart meters and I wish people did research on cell phone towers.