There have been dozens of news reports just like this across the United States, Canada and Australia. Wherever smart meters are installed, people experience the same symptoms. With all these reports and so much evidence of harm, how can “smart” meter programs continue?
You can view the original source of this video here.
Murielle Guérette
Since they installed that smart meter we decided to live in the basement because it was impossible to sleep or even live upstairs in the house. We did paint the wall with special paint and bought special curtains to protect us but it is very difficult to stay outside. I worry for the children, they are more sensitive, and what about babies and birds? We were even thinking of moving… I’m sure the meters will cause a lot of health problems.
Refuse to have one of these on your home. An Opt Out does not go far enough.
Hello Jeromy,
Thank you for joining our fight against the technology inappropriately named the Smart Grid Network.
I have been exposed to not only the physical negative harm of the smart meters and dirty electricity, but also the constant noise in our environment. The noise started when they turned the two way communication on the power lines on to manage the smart grid. It has been to date over 8 years of constant buzzing, humming and low frequency drone assaulting our being 24/7. We filed formal complaints in Massachusetts presenting forensic power quality, audio and acoustic evidence to the State, which was ignored and dismissed by the Environmental Protection, Health and Public Utilities agencies.
We are working with an engineer to bring this issue to the next level. You can view our story and some of our data at our website.
Charles Weatherford
I opted out of Florida Power and Light’s smart meter and it cost a one-time fee of $95 and a monthly “non-standard” meter fee of $13! Unfortunately, my neighbor went with the smart meter which is around 10 feet from my bedroom. What is the best option for dealing with this situation? I’ve seen the covers that go over the meter but my neighbor would have to be involved and I suspect he would be a skeptic and not allow it. Also, FPL has a history of prosecuting “vandalism” of their equipment, namely that insidious smart meter. I’m contemplating a shield of some type on my property and would prefer a do-it-yourself solution. Any suggestions?
Hi Charles,
Here is what I would do:
1.) Communicate with your neighbor that you would simply like to put a shield over his meter that reduces the pulse strength by 98%. Being the pulses are meant to travel over a mile, this will not hinder the usefulness (as the utility is concerned) of the meter in any way.
2.) Tin foil is one of the best shields. You could place this on your bedroom wall.
3.) Move your bedroom to another area of the home. I don’t recommend that anyone sleep within 30-40 feet of an operating smart meter.
Ultimately, it is up to us to educate our neighbors and turn back this program. It is happening, but you won’t read about it in the newspapers or nightly news. Share the with your neighbors and friends.
Note that I had all of the smart meters taken out of our building in San Francisco before there was an opt-out (this was in 2011). I placed legal liability upon the individual executives within our utility (PG&E). All smart meters were gone from our building within 24 hours of the executives receiving legal notice (after four months of them saying they would do nothing). They put the analog meters back in and never charged us a dime.
Keep us posted.