Even if the government says microwave radiation is safe, look at all the toxins which were once “extensively tested and considered safe” by the government:
- Thalidomide
- Smoking
- Asbestos
- Lead Paint
- Tetraethyl Lead
- PCB’s
- Mercury
- Methylmercury
- Dioxins
- Agent Orange
- Plutonium Dust
The interesting thing about the microwave radiation that powers our smart phones, Wi-Fi and wireless “smart” meters is that it has never been extensively tested on humans (except for the massive, uncontrolled biology experiment that we are all now part of).
Instead, an assumption has been used. This assumption, made by a few scientists in the early 1950’s, is that the only possible mechanism whereby microwave radiation can damage biology is if it heats tissue. This is what the physics equations stated, so it must be true. Right?
The problem is that human biology is much more complicated than the physics equations of the 1950’s (or even today’s physics). And, unfortunately, we are finding that there is extensive cellular damage from microwave radiation at levels far, far below what it takes to heat tissue. We are talking about the levels that children are exposed to every day they are in a classroom with wireless iPads.
Take a look for yourself. This is how red blood cells react to being near a transmitting wireless “smart” meter. The same thing is likely true for “smart” phones, Wi-Fi and wireless baby monitors.
Houston, we have a problem. Our lives are now filled with a toxic technology. As the truth comes out, the government and offending corporations are going to react the same way they did with all the other toxins listed above – they are going to plead ignorance while people pay with their health.
Hopefully you will have the courage to start protecting your loved ones. Sign up above to receive the basic steps to reduce EMF pollution in your home.
I totally agree with this idea! It is a fact that all electronic devices ( laptops / cell phones / wifi / wireless routers / etc) emit electromagnetic radiation. It is also a fact that our bodies are electrical in nature, and I think we’d all agree that it is always best when those electrical signals are left unencumbered by external factors. Our bodies are harmed by external factors all the time. This is why EMF protection is so important!