This new study has shown that red ginseng helps protect mice from neuron damage that occurs when exposed to cell phone radiation.
This does not mean you should stop using your headset or this brilliant app , but Ginseng may help humans with all the ambient microwave radiation that now fills our lives through Wi-Fi, wireless “smart” meters and cell phone towers.
The study abstract can been seen below.
Calcium binding proteins (CaBPs) such as calbindin D28-k, parvalbumin, and calretinin are able to bind Ca2+ with high affinity. Changes in Ca2+ concentrations via CaBPs can disturb Ca2+ homeostasis. Brain damage can be induced by the prolonged electromagnetic field (EMF) exposure with loss of interacellular Ca2+ balance. The present study investigated the radioprotective effect of ginseng in regard to CaBPs immunoreactivity (IR) in the hippocampus through immunohistochemistry after one-month exposure at 1.6 SAR value by comparing sham control with exposed and ginseng-treated exposed groups separately. Loss of dendritic arborization was noted with the CaBPs in the Cornu Ammonis areas as well as a decrease of staining intensity of the granule cells in the dentate gyrus after exposure while no loss was observed in the ginseng-treated group. A significant difference in the relative mean density was noted between control and exposed groups but was nonsignificant in the ginseng-treated group. Decrease in CaBP IR with changes in the neuronal staining as observed in the exposed group would affect the hippocampal trisynaptic circuit by alteration of the Ca2+ concentration which could be prevented by ginseng. Hence, ginseng could contribute as a radioprotective agent against EMF exposure, contributing to the maintenance of Ca2+ homeostasis by preventing impairment of intracellular Ca2+ levels in the hippocampus.
Comments From Previous Web Platform:
It would be great to know how much Ginseng is suggested as a protective measure for humans. Thank you!
Excellent information! I believe that these protective supplemental measures (including certain foods) are critical until we overcome present radiation issues.
I second Katharina’s opinion 😉
Do you know what is the best kind to take – red korean ginseng or red panax ginseng?
I have also found that Chaga “dual extract” tincture helps with EHS and also is an anti-mutigenic, protecting your biology.
And a supplement called MegaHydrate also can spread your blood cells back out after exposure. It is a hydrogen ion therapy.
Hi Ash – thanks for the ideas.
Both should work, but the Korean ginseng is what I use when I can.
I have also used Chaga – an excellent mushroom.
Also, try Shilajit for organic minerals.
Thank you! Placing my order on this and some other goodies now 🙂