This summer I helped a journalist with a feature length article on smart meters for the German publication Der Spiegel. This topic is becoming more important across Europe as countries determine if they will move forward with this controversial technology. You can read the article here. (Use Google Translate)
Although the Der Spiegel editors would not allow the journalist to print the considerable evidence of EMF health effects that exist, it was promising to see such a prominent news organization cover this important topic. For reasons of privacy invasion, cost, fire damages and health effects, it is likely the smart meter programs across Europe will get stopped in their tracks. The public is already skeptical and the truth will come out.
Note that “Take Back Your Power” is now available in German, Spanish and French subtitles.

Susanne Lietz
I am not sure to be on the right site. I am living in France where they want to install the smart meter. A lot of citizens don’t want this meter and begin to struggle against. But we need more information about the health effects of the smart meter. It could be helpfull for us if you send us informations about the experiences in the USA
Kind regards
Susanne Lietz
(excuse my english, I am German)
Perhaps you can give me your phone number to contact you directly
Dear Susanne, I am french as well and concern like you on the smart meters. I have refused it and locked the access (the company keep sending letters to motivate to change but I don’t want to increase the electrosmog which is already too much nowadays!) Your post is from 2016, did you get some new element since this time?