Some of the smartest and wealthiest corporations in the world (Swiss & Austrian Reinsurance companies) know what the cell phone industry would rather sweep under the rug.
They have relied on their own studies and their own scientists (rather than those funded by cell phone companies) and have determined that they will not insure the big cell phone and telecommunications companies for the long-term health effects of wireless products. They are even modelling what a brain cancer epidemic between 2020 and 2030 will cost.
This Canadian news report states what the quarterly financial statements of the major telecom companies also report – that there are major unfunded liabilities on their balance sheets. Namely, future brain tumor lawsuits…..
The following document also provides evidence that insurers are not going to cover EMF related claims. Page 4 of the document shows how the insurer Lloyd’s of London is preparing for potential cell phone related injuries and claims.
Furthermore, AM Best, an insurance rating company, is warning about financial risks for emerging technologies, including wireless radiation and cyber security risks. They compare the US property/casualty industry asbestos losses at $85 billion and warn that losses from emerging technologies could be extremely significant.
AM Best: Emerging Technologies Pose Significant Risks with Possible Long Tail Losses:
The following web page also has an extensive current list of global insurance companies with RF / EMF exclusion clauses:
Finally, the evidence of rising brain tumor numbers is accumulating. Here is recent data from the United Kingdom:
Emile Barry
Cell phone radiation is only the tip of the iceberg. Compact fluorescent light bulbs emit more radio frequency energy than cell phones and nobody seems to care about letting people know. Modern long fluorescent light bulbs are even worst. I made a short video demonstrating it called “CFLB short version” on Utube. Department stores and grocery stores are virtual microwave ovens because they use hundreds of modern long fluorescent light bulbs which emit radio frequency energy. If you are working under one of these lamps at a check out you are getting 8 hours of exposure every day. I can provide you with the 40+ minute video if you care to view it.
I work for one of the baby bells in Idaho. We now have 9 managers and employees that have major brain issues Cancer and tumors. At least 3 have died and another is having surgery Monday. We used to sell our own cell phones and still sell others. In addition our building is a mass of wiring. I smell a huge class action lawsuit soon. Almost all of the people are long time employees.
Thanks for sharing your story. Many other people are also connecting the dots.
Read this short book that just came out from Harvard about how this situation came to be:
It appears that the wireless industry’s plan is to get as big as it can, as fast as it can, so that when the truth comes out they are deemed “too big to fail.” Their plan is to be too important to the economy and vital to pension system investments. This will force the government to bail them out and the costs of a likely brain cancer epidemic will be placed upon the public.
This is likely the reason why this technology is being rolled out so rapidly in the face of warnings from scientists around the world. The industry (and the current governments) may now believe it’s their only viable path.
Unfortunately, many people are going to be harmed by this decision.
Katherine West
Three years ago I was diagnosed with GBM after a CAT scan. I went through neurosurgery, radiation, and 14 months of chemo treatments but the symptoms all remained and even doubled, the constant thundering headache, seizures was twice than it was before, I could no longer think straight and I had constant mood swing and trouble speaking I was almost feeling at the gate of hell because these symptoms were unbearable. I am retired but very active spending my time to make the world a better place. BRAIN TUMOR mainly affects your brain and thus reduces your immunity thereby causing depression. The cure for BRAIN TUMOR is possible in the initial stages with natural herbal remedies. contact Doctor ALUYA for your cure through his WHATS-APP NUMBER +2349077873085, or email, for urgent delivery of your herbal cure asap.
For further information contact me on whatsapp: +17208202496
Thank you Katherine.
I would also add reading this book, which is excellent for anything related to the health of the brain:
All my best to you.