The following are my recommended EMF books. They will really help you to understand the history, science and solutions related to this field.
Historical and Science Perspectives on EMFs:
1.) “Cellular Telephone Russian Roulette” by Robert C. Kane. Pay particular attention to Kane’s material on “hot spots” created in the brain from cell phone radiation and what the cell phone industry has known since the 1980’s. The PDF can be read here.
2.) “The Body Electric” by Robert O. Becker, MD. Chapter 15, “Maxwell’s Silver Hammer,” is one of the best summaries ever written on EMF research dating back to the 1930’s. It is simply a must read for anyone interested in this topic.
3.) “The Microwave Debate” by Nicholas Steneck. This 1984 book details how much was known about the biological effects of RF back in the 1980’s and predicts our exponential rise in consumer wireless technologies today.
4.) “Health and Light” by John Nash Ott. A wonderful book mostly about the health benefits of natural light, but also explains what was known about the health effects of EMFs in the 60’s and 70’s.
5.) “The Zapping of America” by Paul Brodeur
6.) “Overpowered” by Martin Blank, PhD
7.) “Disconnect” by Devra Davis. PhD
8.) “An Electronic Silent Spring” by Katie Singer
9.) “Dirty Electricity” by Sam Milham, MD
10.) “Electromagnetic Fields” by B. Blake Levitt
11.) “Captured Agency” by Norm Alster / Harvard School of Ethics
12.) “Going Somewhere” by Andrew Marino (Robert Becker’s co-researcher)
EMF Remediation and Shielding:
13.) “Tracing EMFs” by Karl Riley
14.) “Designers Guide to Electromagnetic Compatibility” by Daryl Gerke and Bill Kimmel
15.) “AC Power Interference Handbook” by Marv Loftness
16.) “Electromagnetic Shielding Volume 3” by Donald White