The following is the procedure that I have used for the niacin flush protocol. Note that you should consult with your physician before performing this detox and this article is not meant to be construed as medical advice. It is simply my experience of a very effective detoxification process that can benefit people who are EHS/MCS. It will help rid your body of fat soluble toxins like chemicals and pesticides that have accumulated in your body over many years and decades.
If done properly, you will feel much better in a few weeks and your sensitivities may diminish.
What you will need to begin:
- 100 mg Niacin capsules (get 3-4 bottles – do not get tablets as they don’t work as well)
- Two bottles of activated charcoal
- An excellent quality olive oil
- Top quality sea salt
- A mineral replacement supplement such as this one.
- Access to a low-to-mid heat sauna and shower every day for 2-3 weeks. A gym with a sauna is usually best.
Here is an overview of the process:
- You will do this flush every day for 2-3 weeks.
- You can skip one day per week, but try not to skip more.
- Take this process very slow and easy. If you don’t feel well after the sauna, back off and reduce your time in the sauna or stop completely.
- Start with approximately 100 mg of niacin (powder form capsule) the first day. You want to take just enough to start flushing, but not so much that you have a painful, stinging flush. This number was 250 mg for myself, but I am quite tall.
- The following days you can go to 150 mg, 200, 250, 300, 400, 500 mg and so on. You will need to increase the amount each day to get the flushing action. By the final days of the niacin flush, you could be taking 2,000 mg.
- Try to use a sauna that is low heat (75 degrees Celsius / 160 degrees Fahrenheit). You will be in the sauna for 1 to 1.5 hours, so you don’t want to over do things by being in a super-hot Finnish sauna (95 degrees Celsius).
- You will need to drink a lot of water while in the sauna. I put sea salt in my water to replenish my body of salts and minerals.
- If done properly, you should start to see an improvement in your chemical and electrical sensitivities if they were due to a toxic overload in your body. You may even continue to get better over the following weeks and months because now the detox pathways in your body have been opened.
- You could try another round in 4-6 months if you feel like you need it.
- Note that this protocol has helped people regain their health for decades and has been key to helping first responders of the 9/11 disaster in NYC who breathed in the toxic dust.
Special Note: I have not used the above protocol in years. Instead, I use a low-EMF Near Infrared Sauna without the niacin aspect. This is a more gentle/sustainable detoxification process for me. I started at 20 min in the NIR sauna and can now easily do daily 45 min sessions. You can read about this here.