We live at a time when the medical profession is not quite up to speed regarding the health effects of technology. I believe this is a transitional period and that in the future, electrical sensitivity (ES) will be officially acknowledged (it already is in parts of Europe and there is now an official international diagnostic code). However, that time could be years away. Until then, it is up to us to treat ourselves as best we can and educate the medical doctors in our communities.
Electrical sensitivity is simply too new (at least on a wide scale) to be understood by most medical doctors. They were never trained to deal with this condition, so many have no idea what to do when they meet a patient like you. This is why it is important to share with them the most current research and treatment protocols in a way they can understand (calmly and with empathy).
There has been advancements in the past couple years with the 2019 and 2021 EMF Medical Conferences. These were the first two conferences dedicated solely to the EMF topic where medical professionals were able to earn continuing medical education (CME) credit. Here is my presentation at these two conferences:
Resources to Share with Your Doctor
The best thing I have heard from a medical doctor on this topic is that “you have to become an expert on your own body.” The worst I have heard is from my Kaiser Permanente doctor who said “you should probably just leave the country and go live on an island.” He was right, btw.
That being said, I encourage you to read and share my ES guide. Additionally, here are some excellent, current resources to share with your MD:
1.) EHS or electrical sensitivity is recognized as a disability in several countries including the USA and is identified with an International Diseases Code (ICD–10) for injury attributed to radio frequency radiation (W90).
2.) Diagnosis of ES by a Northern California medical doctor. An article written by Dr. Scott Eberle explaining his experiencing of being electrically sensitive.
3.) Letter to your medical doctor from an MD regarding ES (updated 2017 version): ES Letter from Dr Andrew Tresidder
4.) Paper by Dr. Belpomme in France showing the physiological biomarkers that are prevalent in many of the 1,200 ES patients he has treated in Paris. This is an important step toward giving EHS its own diagnostic code and acceptance within the mainstream medical community: Belpomme EHS Biomarker Study 2015
5.) The European Academy for Environmental Medicine – EMF Working Group recently released its comprehensive guidelines on the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of ES: EUROPAEM EMF Guidelines 2016 for Prevention, Diagnosis and Treatment
6.) Austrian Medical Association ES Diagnosis and Guidelines (from EMF Working Group within the AMA): Austrian Medical Association EMF Guidelines
7.) This is an excellent medical summary about ES by a physician that you can print for your medical doctor.
8.) A comprehensive presentation on ES that you can print for your MD: Steve Weller EHS Presentation 2015
9.) Presentation by Dr. Erica Mallery-Blythe of PHIRE on treatment of ES: http://vimeo.com/100623585
10.) Presentation about the EMF issue by a medical doctor. This is one of the best overviews available on the web and all medical doctors should watch this:
11.) This video of Dr. Mallery-Blythe at the 2019 EMF Conference is excellent:
12.) This video is a 15-min summary of ES and is dedicated to a 15-year-old girl, Jenny Fry of the UK, who recently committed suicide because of her electrical sensitivity. You can read her story here.
Medical Doctors that Diagnose and Treat Electrical Sensitivity
If you are looking for a medical professional with knowledge of ES, I have provided a few suggestions below – some will consult remotely via phone or Skype. You should also look under the Academy of Environmental Medicine in your area. Medical doctors with a focus on environmental medicine or who have been personally affected will know more about ES than your typical medical doctor.
United States/Canada:
- Toril Jelter: www.mdiwellness.com
- Sharon Goldberg: https://www.drsharongoldberg.com/
- Stephanie McCarter: https://deeperhealing.com/meet-the-team/
- Lisa Nagy: https://lisanagy.com/
- Raj Patel: www.drrajpatel.net
- Gunnar Heuser: http://emfdoc.com/
- Dietrich Klinghardt: The Sophia Health Institute
- Tom Messinger: www.portlandnaturalmedicine.org
- Sarah Carnes: http://sarahcarnesnd.com/
- Anne Hill: https://www.annehillnd.com/
- Jennifer Kessmann: https://www.drjenniferkessmann.com/
- William Weirs: https://coem.com/william-weirs
- Beatrice Golomb: contact info
- Karl Maret contact info
- Jim Reese (deceased): http://thereesewellnesssystem.com/
- William Rea (deceased): http://www.ehcd.com/about-our-professionals/
- Linda Lancaster: http://www.lightharmonics.com/dr-linda-lancaster/
- Dan Harper: https://www.drdanharper.com/
- Daniel Cagua-Koo: www.RiverofLifeMedical.org
- Hildegarde Staninger: 323-466-2599
- Michel Petit (Montreal)
- Medical professionals that treat environmental illnesses: https://iseai.org/find-a-professional/
- Gerd Oberfeld (Salzburg, Austria)
- Kurt E. Muller (Kempten, Germany)
- Christine Aschermann (Leutkirch, Germany)
- Horst Eger (Naila, Germany)
- Anna Zucherro (Italy) Contact for Dr. Zucherro
- Erica Mallery-Blythe (United Kingdom) Video by Dr. Mallery-Blythe
- Andrew Tresidder (United Kingdom) EHS Letter from Dr Andrew Tresidder
- Dominique Belpomme (Paris, France) Contact for Dr. Belpomme
- Jean Monro (United Kingdom) Contact for Dr. Monro
- Gary Deed, Brisbane, Queensland
- Margaret Ngu, Burwood, Victoria
- John Piesse , Hawthorne East, Victoria
- Zenon Gruba, Camberwell, Victoria
New Zealand:
- Damian Wojcik, Kamo, Whangarei
- Dr. Toshihiko Yamana: Website Info
I wish you the very best on your journey. Please contact me if you find things that work for you or a MD who has been able to assist you.
Updated March 2024