One of the most important times to reduce EMF pollution is during and shortly after pregnancy. The following are things that I recommend for this time.
The first thing I recommend is that every expecting mother begin to reduce her exposure to EMF pollution. Sign up to the right to receive the basic steps.
As far as products go, the Belly Band by Belly Armor is something that I recommend. Click here to learn more about their solutions. This company also makes boxers for men that block RF radiation. A growing amount of studies show this affects the ability of men to have children. Even Newsweek has covered this and this Chinese wireless company now makes a WiFi router with “pregnancy mode” that reduces the radiation by 70%.
I also recommend that new parents do not use a wireless baby monitor. Please visit this page to learn how utilize a wired baby monitor.
Finally, this video explains why it is important for expecting and new mothers to take precautions with wireless technology: