The following are 30 published, peer-reviewed studies showing how EMFs directly affect the brain. From the literature, it can be seen that EMF / RF primarily affect the alpha wave states in our brain (the meditative/contemplative/assimilation part of our consciousness). It has also been found that cell phones affect the state of our brain waves for hours after exposure and the nature of our sleep patterns.
EMF Effects on Brain Wave EEG Functioning (Alpha waves highly influenced by RF):
1.) Exposure to pulsed high-frequency electromagnetic field during waking affects human sleep EEG. (2000)
The maximum rise occurred in the 9.75-11.25 Hz and 12.5-13.25 Hz band during the initial part of sleep. These changes correspond to those obtained in a previous study where EMF was intermittently applied during sleep. Unilateral exposure induced no hemispheric asymmetry of EEG power. The present results demonstrate that exposure during waking modifies the EEG during subsequent sleep. Thus the changes of brain function induced by pulsed high-frequency EMF outlast the exposure period.
2.) The effect of mobile phone electromagnetic fields on the alpha rhythm of human electroencephalogram. (2008)
Mobile phones (MP) emit low-level electromagnetic fields that have been reported to affect neural function in humans; however, demonstrations of such effects have not been conclusive. The purpose of the present study was to test one of the strongest findings in the literature; that of increased “alpha” power in response to MP-type radiation. Previous reports of an overall alpha power enhancement during the MP exposure were confirmed (relative to Sham), with this effect larger at ipsilateral than contralateral sites over posterior regions. No overall change to alpha power was observed following exposure cessation; however, there was less alpha power contralateral to the exposure source during this period (relative to ipsilateral). Employing a strong methodology, the current findings support previous research that has reported an effect of MP exposure on EEG alpha power.
3.) Mobile phone effects on children’s event-related oscillatory EEG during an auditory memory task. (2006)
To assess the effects of electromagnetic fields (EMF) emitted by mobile phones (MP) on the 1 – 20 Hz event-related brain oscillatory EEG (electroencephalogram) responses in children performing an auditory memory task (encoding and recognition). During memory encoding, the active MP modulated the event-related desynchronization/synchronization (ERD/ERS) responses in the approximately 4 – 8 Hz EEG frequencies. During recognition, the active MP transformed these brain oscillatory responses in the approximately 4 – 8 Hz and approximately 15 Hz frequencies. The current findings suggest that EMF emitted by mobile phones has effects on brain oscillatory responses during cognitive processing in children.
4.) Is the brain influenced by a phone call? An EEG study of resting wakefulness. (2005)
The results show that, under real exposure as compared to baseline and sham conditions, EEG spectral power was influenced in some bins of the alpha band. This effect was greater when the EMF was on during the EEG recording session than before it. The present data lend further support to the idea that pulsed high-frequency electromagnetic fields can affect normal brain functioning, also if no conclusions can be drawn about the possible health effects.
5.) Sleep EEG alterations: effects of pulsed magnetic fields versus pulse-modulated radio frequency electromagnetic fields. (2012)
Radio frequency exposure increased electroencephalogram power in the spindle frequency range. Furthermore, delta and theta activity (non-rapid eye movement sleep), and alpha and delta activity (rapid eye movement sleep) were affected following both exposure conditions. No effect on sleep architecture and no clear impact of exposure on cognition was observed. These results demonstrate that both pulse-modulated radio frequency and pulsed magnetic fields affect brain physiology, and the presence of significant frequency components above 20 Hz are not fundamental for these effects to occur.
6.) Effects of electromagnetic field emitted by cellular phones on the EEG during a memory task. (2000)
The effects of electromagnetic fields (EMF) emitted by cellular phones on the ERD/ERS of the 4-6 Hz, 6-8 Hz, 8-10 Hz and 10-12 Hz EEG frequency bands were studied in 16 normal subjects performing an auditory memory task. All subjects performed the memory task both with and without exposure to a digital 902 MHz EMF in counterbalanced order. The exposure to EMF significantly increased EEG power in the 8-10 Hz frequency band only. Nonetheless, the presence of EMF altered the ERD/ERS responses in all studied frequency bands as a function of time and memory task (encoding vs retrieval). Our results suggest that the exposure to EMF does not alter the resting EEG per se but modifies the brain responses significantly during a memory task.
7.) Whole brain EEG synchronization likelihood modulated by long term evolution electromagnetic fields exposure. (2014)
Our results illustrated that the short-term LTE EMF exposure would modulate the synchronization patterns of EEG activation across the whole brain.
8.) The alteration of spontaneous low frequency oscillations caused by acute electromagnetic fields exposure. (2014)
The study provided the evidences that 30min LTE RF-EMF exposure modulated the spontaneous low frequency fluctuations in some brain regions.
9.) Mobile phone emission modulates inter-hemispheric functional coupling of EEG alpha rhythms in elderly compared to young subjects. (2010)
It has been reported that GSM electromagnetic fields (GSM-EMFs) of mobile phones modulate–after a prolonged exposure–inter-hemispheric synchronization of temporal and frontal resting electroencephalographic (EEG) rhythms in normal young subjects [Vecchio et al., 2007]. Here we tested the hypothesis that this effect can vary on physiological aging as a sign of changes in the functional organization of cortical neural synchronization. Spectral coherence evaluated the inter-hemispheric synchronization of EEG rhythms at the following bands: delta (about 2-4 Hz), theta (about 4-6 Hz), alpha 1 (about 6-8 Hz), alpha 2 (about 8-10 Hz), and alpha 3 (about 10-12 Hz). The aging effects were investigated comparing the inter-hemispheric EEG coherence in the elderly subjects vs. a young group formed by 15 young subjects. Compared with the young subjects, the elderly subjects showed a statistically significant (p<0.001) increment of the inter-hemispheric coherence of frontal and temporal alpha rhythms (about 8-12 Hz) during the GSM condition. These results suggest that GSM-EMFs of a mobile phone affect inter-hemispheric synchronization of the dominant (alpha) EEG rhythms as a function of the physiological aging. This study provides further evidence that physiological aging is related to changes in the functional organization of cortical neural synchronization.
10.) Alterations in human EEG activity caused by extremely low frequency electromagnetic fields. (2006)
This study has investigated whether extremely low frequency (ELF) electromagnetic fields (EMFs) can alter human brain activity. The results indicate that there was a significant increase in Alpha1, Alpha2, and Beta1 at the frontal brain region, and a significant decrease in Alpha2 band in parietal and occipital region due to EMF exposure.
11.) Effects of pulsed and continuous wave 902 MHz mobile phone exposure on brain oscillatory activity during cognitive processing. (2007)
In line with our previous studies, we observed that the exposure to EMF had modest effects on brain oscillatory responses in the alpha frequency range (approximately 8-12 Hz). We conclude that the effects of EMF on brain oscillatory responses may be subtle, variable and difficult to replicate for unknown reasons.
12.) Pulsed radio-frequency electromagnetic fields: dose-dependent effects on sleep, the sleep EEG and cognitive performance. (2007)
Analysis of the sleep electroencephalogram (EEG) revealed a dose-dependent increase of power in the spindle frequency range in non-REM sleep. Reaction speed decelerated with increasing field intensity in the 1-back task, while accuracy in the CRT and N-back task were not affected in a dose-dependent manner. In summary, this study reveals first indications of a dose-response relationship between EMF field intensity and its effects on brain physiology as demonstrated by changes in the sleep EEG and in cognitive performance.
13.) Mobile phone emission modulates event-related desynchronization of α rhythms and cognitive-motor performance in healthy humans. (2012)
These results suggest that the peak amplitude of alpha ERD and the reaction time to the go stimuli are modulated by the effect of the GSM-EMFs on the cortical activity. It was found less power decrease of widely distributed high-frequency alpha rhythms and faster reaction time to go stimuli in the post- than pre-exposure period of the GSM session. No effect was found in the sham session. Exposure to GSM-EMFs for 45 min may enhance human cortical neural efficiency and simple cognitive-motor processes in healthy adults.
14.) Effects of high-frequency electromagnetic fields on human EEG: a brain mapping study. (2003)
The results suggested that cellular phones may reversibly influence the human brain, inducing abnormal slow waves in EEG of awake persons.
15.) Pulsed high-frequency electromagnetic field affects human sleep and sleep electroencephalogram. (1999)
Spectral power of the electroencephalogram in non-rapid eye movement sleep was increased. The maximum rise occurred in the 10-11 Hz and 13.5-14 Hz bands during the initial part of sleep and then subsided. The results demonstrate that pulsed high-frequency EMF in the range of radiotelephones may promote sleep and modify the sleep EEG.
16.) Dependence of the non-thermal radiofrequency electromagnetic field bio effects on the typological features of electroencephalogram in humans. (2010)
In researches with participation of volunteers bio effects of short-term non-thermal radiofrequency electromagnetic field (RF EMF) exposure were studied. The basic form of brain’s reaction was the amplification of energy in a-range in electroencephalogram (EEG) spectra. The combination of RF EMF exposure and monotonous activity has authentically strengthened result, keeping the basic form of reaction (energy amplification in the alpha range of EEG spectrum) and dependence on EEG typological features.
17.) Mobile phone emission modulates interhemispheric functional coupling of EEG alpha rhythms. (2007)
Individual EEG rhythms of interest were delta (about 2-4 Hz), theta (about 4-6 Hz), alpha 1 (about 6-8 Hz), alpha 2 (about 8-10 Hz) and alpha 3 (about 10-12 Hz). Results showed that, compared to Sham stimulation, GSM stimulation modulated the interhemispheric frontal and temporal coherence at alpha 2 and alpha 3 bands. The present results suggest that prolonged mobile phone emission affects not only the cortical activity but also the spread of neural synchronization conveyed by interhemispherical functional coupling of EEG rhythms.
Other Neurological and Endocrine Related EMF Studies:
18.) Exposure to 900 MHz electromagnetic fields activates the mkp-1/ERK pathway and causes blood-brain barrier damage and cognitive impairment in rats.
Thus, for the first time, we found that EMF exposure for 28 days induced the expression of mkp-1, resulting in ERK dephosphorylation. Taken together, these results demonstrated that exposure to 900 MHz EMF radiation for 28 days can significantly impair spatial memory and damage BBB permeability in rat by activating the mkp-1/ERK pathway.
19.) Non-linear analysis of the electroencephalogram for detecting effects of low-level electromagnetic fields. (2005)
The study compared traditional spectral analysis and a new scale-invariant method, the analysis of the length distribution of low-variability periods (LDLVPs), to distinguish between electro-encephalogram (EEG) signals with and without a weak stressor, a low-level modulated microwave field. During the experiment, 23 healthy volunteers were exposed to a microwave (450 MHz) of 7 Hz frequency on-off modulation. The quantitative measure of LDLVPs provided a significant detection of the effect of the stressor for the six subjects exposed to the microwave field but for none of the sham recordings.
20.) Exposure to pulse-modulated radio frequency electromagnetic fields affects regional cerebral blood flow. (2005)
The effect depended on the spectral power in the amplitude modulation of the RF carrier such that only ‘handset-like’ RF EMF exposure with its stronger low-frequency components but not the ‘base-station-like’ RF EMF exposure affected rCBF. This finding supports our previous observation that pulse modulation of RF EMF is necessary to induce changes in the waking and sleep EEG, and substantiates the notion that pulse modulation is crucial for RF EMF-induced alterations in brain physiology.
21.) Mobile phone emissions and human brain excitability. (2006)
The intracortical excitability curve becomes significantly modified during real exposure, with SICI being reduced and ICF enhanced in the acutely exposed brain hemisphere as compared to the contralateral, non-exposed hemisphere or to sham exposure. Tympanic temperature showed no significant main effect or interactions. These results demonstrate that GSM-EMFs modify brain excitability. Possible implications and applications are discussed.
22.) Electromagnetic fields, such as those from mobile phones, alter regional cerebral blood flow and sleep and waking EEG. (2002)
The present results show for the first time that (1) pm-EMF alters waking rCBF and (2) pulse modulation of EMF is necessary to induce waking and sleep EEG changes. Pulse-modulated EMF exposure may provide a new, non-invasive method for modifying brain function for experimental, diagnostic and therapeutic purposes.
23.) Stimulation of the brain with radiofrequency electromagnetic field pulses affects sleep-dependent performance improvement. (2013)
The changes in the time course of SWA during the exposure night may reflect an interaction of RF EMF with the renormalization of cortical excitability during sleep, with a negative impact on sleep-dependent performance improvement.
24.) Radio frequency electromagnetic field exposure in humans: Estimation of SAR distribution in the brain, effects on sleep and heart rate. (2003)
Exposure during sleep reduced waking after sleep onset and affected heart rate variability. Exposure prior to sleep reduced heart rate during waking and stage 1 sleep.
25.) Sleep EEG alterations: effects of different pulse-modulated radio frequency electromagnetic fields. (2012)
Importantly, this exposure-induced effect showed considerable individual variability. Regarding cognitive performance, no clear exposure-related effects were seen. Consistent with previous findings, our results provide further evidence that pulse-modulated RF EMF alter brain physiology, although the time-course of the effect remains variable across studies. Additionally, we demonstrated that modulation frequency components within a physiological range may be sufficient to induce these effects.
26.) The Effect of Fluoride on the Physiology of the Pineal Gland
Flouride leads the calcification of the pineal gland, which inhibits melatonin production, which can lead to higher cancer rates. Gerbils treated with higher levels of fluoride had less melatonin production and an early onset of puberty. This could be part of why girls in America are reaching puberty at a much earlier rate.
26.) Immunohistochemical study of postnatal neurogenesis after whole-body exposure to electromagnetic fields: evaluation of age- and dose-related changes in rats. (2009)
It is well established that strong electromagnetic fields (EMFs) can give rise to acute health effects, such as burns, which can be effectively prevented by respecting exposure guidelines and regulations. Current concerns are instead directed toward the possibility that long-term exposure to weak EMF might have detrimental health effects due to some biological mechanism, to date unknown. (1) The possible risk due to pulsed EMF at frequency 2.45 GHz and mean power density 2.8 mW/cm(2) on rat postnatal neurogenesis was studied in relation to the animal’s age, duration of the exposure dose, and post-irradiation survival. We found that the EMF induces significant age- and dose-dependent changes in proliferating cell numbers within the RMS. Our results indicate that the concerns about the possible risk of EMF generated in connection with production, transmission, distribution, and the use of electrical equipment and communication sets are justified at least with regard to early postnatal neurogenesis.
27.) Impact of 900 MHz electromagnetic field exposure on main male reproductive hormone levels: a Rattus norvegicus model. (2014)
This work analyzes the effects of radiofrequency-electromagnetic field (RF-EMF) exposure on the reproductive system of male rats, assessed by measuring circulating levels of FSH, LH, inhibin B, activin B, prolactin, and testosterone. Twenty adult male Sprague-Dawley rats (180 ± 10 g) were exposed to 900 MHz RF-EMF in four equal separated groups. The duration of exposure was 1, 2, and 4 h/day over a period of 30 days and sham-exposed animals were kept under the same environmental conditions as the exposed group except with no RF-EMF exposure. Also, a significant decrease in serum testosterone levels in the LTE group was found compared to short and moderate time exposed (MTE) groups after 30 days RF-EMF exposure (p < 0.05). Results suggest that reproductive hormone levels are disturbed as a result of RF-EMF exposure and it may possibly affect reproductive functions. However, testosterone and inhibin B concentrations as a fertility marker and spermatogenesis were decreased significantly.
28.) Health effects of electromagnetic fields. (2013)
Use of electricity causes extremely low frequency magnetic fields (ELF-MF) and wireless communication devices emit radiofrequency electromagnetic fields (RF-EMF). Average ELF-MF exposure is mainly determined by high voltage power lines and transformers at home or at the workplace, whereas RF-EMF exposure is mainly caused by devices operating close to the body (mainly mobile and cordless phones). Health effects of EMF are controversially discussed. The IARC classified ELF-MF and RF-EMF as possible carcinogenic. Most consistent epidemiological evidence was found for an association between ELF-MF and childhood leukemia. If causal, 1 – 4 percent of all childhood leukemia cases could be attributed to ELF-MF. Epidemiological research provided some indications for an association between ELF-MF and Alzheimer’s diseases as well as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, although not entirely consistent.
29.) Studies of the blood-brain barrier: Preliminary findings and discussion (1975 to present)
Dr. Alan Frey first determined that the blood brain barrier (BBB) could be opened with microwave radiation in 1975. This finding has been repeated at least 7 other times by other scientists.
30.) Effects of Cell Phone Radiofrequency Signal Exposure on Brain Glucose Metabolism (2011)
2011 study by Nora Volkow showing that cell phone radiation increases brain glucose metabolism in areas next to antenna. Increased glucose metabolism is associated with cancer. Study shows that biological changes occur at levels lower than FCC guidelines.
Our brain is our most precious and complex thing that we know of in the Universe. Based on what the science is showing, it is best that we limit its exposure to EMF/RF.