The following are some of my favorite electromagnetic field consultant and meter resources in the United Kingdom.
EMF Meters – United Kingdom
One of the best EMF meter manufacturers in the world (EMFields) was located in the United Kingdom. However, they have recently closed down. I now recommend that you purchase EMF meters through Safe Living Technologies in Toronto. They are one of the most reputable EMF companies in North America. Your meters will arrive in the UK within a week.
You can see the EMF testing equipment that I recommend on my EMF Meter Guide. For low-EMF home and vehicle searches, I recommend that you read this article.
For EMF shielding fabrics and paint in the UK, please visit this page.
EMF Consultants & Testing – London and the United Kingdom:
Alasdair Philips was the most experienced consultant in the UK, but no longer does home consultations. There are several excellent local EMF consultants that I can recommend for testing your home. Just send me a message with your town and I will introduce you.
You can read more about the EMF testing and remediation process on this page. I also provide Zoom and email consultations to go over your question. You can read more about my services here.
EMF Resources – United Kingdom
There are several excellent groups for electrically sensitive people in the UK:
UK Electrosensitives (Facebook Group)
I also encourage you to consider mould as a toxin to reduce/avoid in your home. A UK resource for mould remediation is the following company: I learned about Building Forensics from The End of Alzheimer’s, an excellent book by a UK neurologist, Dr. Dale Bredesen.
Here is an excellent presentation by Dr. Erica Mallery-Blythe, who is the founder and President of PHIRE (Physicians’ Health Initiative for Radiation and Environment).
If you have any questions about the various EMF resources available in the United Kingdom, please feel free to contact me.
Thank you.
Updated August 2023
Disclosure: EMF Analysis is partly supported through commissions from purchases and services on this page. This income enables me to continue to research and write about this important topic. Thank you for supporting my work.